Søk: 'Cinematic projections: the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung and film theory'
Aquinas's Theory of Natural Law: An Analytical Reconstruction
ISBN 9780198269670 , 1997 , Anthony J. Lisska
Cinemas of the mind: a critical history of film theory
ISBN 9781840463545 , 2002 , Nicolas Tredell
Film Theory: An Introduction Through the Senses
ISBN 9780203876879 , 2009 , Thomas Elsaesser
An Introduction to Meaning and Purpose in Analytical Psychology
ISBN 9780415207690 , 2001 , Dale Mathers
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory
ISBN 9780125433341 , 1996 , Keith James Holyoak, David R. Shanks,m.fl.
The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
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Analytical Chemistry
ISBN 9781408093733 , 2013 , Douglas A. Skoog, F.James Holler, Stanley Crouch
The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
ISBN 9780813531724 , 2003 , Angela Dalle Vacche
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780071221641 , 2010 , 5. utgave , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
Community Psychology: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780471938101 , 1992
A Companion to Film Theory
ISBN 9780470998403 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
A Companion to Film Theory
ISBN 9780631206453 , 2004 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
Jung for begynnere
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Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice
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Cinematic translation of Ionel Teodoreanu's Lorelei: creating a film script from a classic Romanian novel
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Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412903363 , 2005 , David F. Marks, Carla Willig, Cailine Woodall,m.fl.
Personlighetstyper: C.G. Jungs typologi
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Concepts in Film Theory
ISBN 9780195034288 , 1984 , J.Dudley Andrew
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
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The Psychology of Advertising
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Designing Fear: An Aesthetics of Cinematic Horror
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Datums and map projections for remote sensing, GIS and surveying
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The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work
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C.G. Jung: livsreisen : menneskets indre reise mot åndelig vekst og forvandling : om Carl Gustav Jungs liv og tenkning
ISBN 9788274135550 , 2002 , Vivianne Crowley
A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personality Constructs
ISBN 9780393001525 , 1963 , George A. Kelly
Jung og hans tankeverden
ISBN 9788249604685 , 2003 , Carl Gustav Jung, E. A. Bennett, Ove Steen,m.fl.
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780071283298 , 2007 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
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ISBN 9780745620947 , 2001 , Philip Pettit