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Algebraic Groups and Their Generalizations: Classical Methods
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Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Hilbert Space Methods
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An Introduction to Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space. (Am-4)
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Dirac Kets, Gamow Vectors and Gel'Fand Triplets: Riffed Hilbert Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
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Smugglers, Secessionists & Loyal Citizens on the Ghana-Toga Frontier: The Lie of the Borderlands Since 1914
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Algebras, Diagrams, and Decisions in Language, Logic and Computation
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Algebras, Diagrams, and Decisions in Language, Logic and Computation
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Representations and Characters of Groups
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Dagboken 1953-1958
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The operators: Stanley McChrystal?s war in Afghanistan
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Groups and Symmetry
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Breaking the Chains of Christian Anti-Semitism and a Goebbels' Big Enough Lie ...: Linked To: the SDA Church's Hidden Holocaust Closets
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Finite Von Neumann Algebras and Masas
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Images of Myths in Classical Antiquity
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Hochschild Cohomology of Von Neumann Algebras
ISBN 9780521478809 , 1995 , Allan M. Sinclair, Roger R. Smith
Focus Groups in Social Research
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