Søk: 'Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings'
Contemporary sociology theory and its classical roots: the basics
ISBN 9780072349627 , 2002 , George Ritzer
Classical Readings on Culture and Civilization
ISBN 9780415105170 , 1998
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780078027017 , 2013 , George Ritzer
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211655 , 2001
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071088527 , 2007 , GOODMAN, Dr George Ritzer
Managing services marketing: text and readings
ISBN 9780030225192 , 1999 , John E. G. Bateson
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211648 , 2001
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071284066 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Classical Sociological Theory: Rediscovering The Promise Of Sociology
ISBN 9780534624699 , 2005 , Glenn A. Goodwin
Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings
ISBN 9780195365627 , 2009 , Leo Braudy, Marshall Cohen
Industrializing America: understanding contemporary society through classical sociological analysis
ISBN 9780275965631 , 1999 , Frank W. Elwell
Industrializing America: Understanding Contemporary Society Through Classical Sociological Analysis
ISBN 9780275965648 , 1999 , Frank W. Elwell
Contemporary Strategy Analysis and Cases: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780470747094 , 2010 , Robert M. Grant
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780073528182 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Social Theory: Roots and Branches : Readings
ISBN 9780195332438 , 2008
Introducing Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781408203880 , 2011 , Darren O'Byrne
Perspectives in Sociology: Classical and Contemporary
ISBN 9780415159791 , 1998 , Wes W. Sharrock, Edward C. Cuff, Dave W Francis
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072817188 , 2003 , George Ritzer, Douglas Goodman
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071183239 , 2000 , George Ritzer
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212881 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212874 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780273765608 , 2012 , Gareth R. Jones
What Is Justice?: Classic and Contemporary Readings
ISBN 9780195128109 , 1999 , Robert C. Solomon, Mark C. Murphy
Four Sociological Traditions: Selected Readings
ISBN 9780195087024 , 1994 , Dr Randall Collins
Social theory: roots and branches : readings
ISBN 9781891487965 , 2003
Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications
ISBN 9781118250303 , 2012 , Lynne Pepall, George Norman
The Ethics of War: Classic and Contemporary Readings
ISBN 9781405123785 , 2006 , Henrik Syse, Gregory M. Reichberg, Endre Begby
Real Options And Investment Under Uncertainty: Classical Readings and Recent Contributions
ISBN 9780262693189 , 2004 , Lenos Trigeorgis, Eduardo S. Schwartz
Environmental ethics: readings in theory and application
ISBN 9780495095033 , 2008 , Louis P. Pojman, Paul Pojman
Classic Readings and Contemporary Debates in International Relations
ISBN 9780534631895 , 2005