Søk: 'Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915'
South Africa: The Rise and Fall of Apartheid
ISBN 9780582414372 , 2004 , William H. Worger, Nancy L. Clark
Remotely Global: Village Modernity in West Africa
ISBN 9780226669694 , 1999 , Charles Piot
Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-colonial Challenges
ISBN 9789089641724 , 2009 , Shamil Jeppie, Ebrahim Moosa, Richard Roberts
The end of empire in French West Africa: France's successful decolonization?
ISBN 9781859735527 , 2002 , Tony Chafer
AIDS, South Africa and the Politics of Knowledge
ISBN 9780754670032 , 2007 , Jeremy R. Youde
Baba: men and fatherhood in South Africa
ISBN 9780796920966 , 2005 , Robert Morrell
Remotely Global: Village Modernity in West Africa
ISBN 9780226669687 , 1999 , Charles Piot
Human Beginnings in South Africa: Uncovering the Secrets of the Stone Age
ISBN 9780864864178 , 1999 , Janette Deacon, Hilary John Deacon
South Africa Insight Guide
ISBN 9789812580290 , 2005 , Jason Mitchell
The Making of Modern South Africa: Conquest, Apartheid, Democracy
ISBN 9781405154291 , 2007
Let's Go. South Africa.: With Coverage of Southern Africa.
ISBN 9781405000789 , 2003 , Kelzie E. Beebe
South Africa,The Colonial Powers and African Defence: The Rise and Fall of the White Entente,1948-60
ISBN 9780333563519 , 1992 , G. R. Berridge
Human Beginnings in South Africa: Uncovering the Secrets of the Stone Age
ISBN 9780761990864 , 1999 , Janette Deacon, Hilary John Deacon, Jane Deacon
Passport to South-Africa
ISBN 9788249603312 , 2003 , Øystein Rosse, Sten Moslund,m.fl.
Passport to South-Africa
ISBN 9788249609161 , 2003 , Sten Moslund, Anne-Marie Schæffer
The Making of Modern South Africa - Conquest Apartheid Democracy and History of Modern Africa Set
ISBN 9780470465417 , 2008 , Nigel Worden
A People's History of South Africa
ISBN 9780869751190 , 1995 , Luli Callinicos
Voices of protest: social movements in post-apartheid South Africa
ISBN 9781869140892 , 2006
Africa: Endurance and Change South of the Sahara
ISBN 9780520078819 , 1992 , Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, David Maisel
War in Pre-colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns & Meanings of State-level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781847016058 , 2007 , Richard Reid
War in Pre-colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns & Meanings of State-level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781847016041 , 2007 , Richard Reid
Africa's development thinking since independence: a reader
ISBN 9780798301602 , 2002 , Africa Institute of South Africa
Diamonds, Gold and War: The Making of South Africa
ISBN 9781868422890 , 2007 , Martin Meredith
Sufism in the West
ISBN 9780415274081 , 2006 , Jamal Malik, John Russell Hinnells
The Letters of Johann Martin Boltzius, Lutheran Pastor in Ebenezer, Georgia: German Pietism in Colonial America, 1733-1765
ISBN 9780773447592 , 2009 , Russell C. Kleckley, Johann Martin Boltzius,m.fl.
Sufism in the West:
ISBN 9780415274074 , 2006 , Jamal Malik, John Russell Hinnells
Fiddling in West Africa: touching the spirit in Fulbe, Hausa, and Dagbamba cultures
ISBN 9780253349248 , 2008 , Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje
Fiddling in West Africa: touching the spirit in Fulbe, Hausa, and Dagbamba cultures
ISBN 9780253219299 , 2008 , Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland
ISBN 9781741041620 , 2004 , Gemma Pitcher, Becca Blond, Jane Cornwell,m.fl.
Environment and History: The Taming of Nature in the USA and South Africa
ISBN 9780415114684 , 1995 , William Beinart, Peter A. Coates