Søk: 'Command And Control In The Information Age: Representing Its Impact'
Into the Storm: A Study in Command
ISBN 9780399142369 , 1997 , Tom Clancy, Fred Franks
Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary
ISBN 9780253206817 , 1992 , Bill Nichols
Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary
ISBN 9780253340603 , 1991 , Bill Nichols
Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780415663632 , 2012
Representing Jazz
ISBN 9780822315940 , 1995 , Krin Gabbard
Representing Jazz
ISBN 9780822315797 , 1995 , Krin Gabbard
Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime
ISBN 9780743240048 , 2003 , Eliot A. Cohen
A History of Aerodynamics and Its Impact on Flying Machines
ISBN 9780521669535 , 1999 , Peter Shearer
Frodo & Harry - Understanding Visual Media And Its Impact on Our Lives
ISBN 9780975345573 , 2006 , Tom Snyder, Ted Baehr
The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society
ISBN 9780674169869 , 1989 , James R. Beniger
Computers: Tools for an Information Age
ISBN 9780131227231 , 2004 , H. L. Capron, James A. Johnson
Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology
ISBN 9780471998037 , 2006 , Herman T. Tavani
Representing Consumers: Information for People Seeking Appointment to Consumer Bodies
ISBN 9781899581719 , 1999 , National Consumer Council Staff
Getting the Builders In: And Staying in Control
ISBN 9780716030126 , 2002 , Paul J. Grimaldi
Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
ISBN 9781137299864 , 2013 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Jorg Matthes, Sandra Lavenex,m.fl.
Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information & Communication Technology
ISBN 9780471452508 , 2004 , Herman T. Tavani
In Viking Land: Norway: Its Peoples, Its Fjords and Its Fjelds
ISBN 9781144091932 , 2010 , Will Seymour Monroe
In Viking Land: Norway: Its Peoples, Its Fjords and Its Fjelds
ISBN 9781142875602 , 2010 , Will Seymour Monroe
Ophelia and Victorian visual culture: representing body politics in the nineteenth century
ISBN 9780754658764 , 2008 , Kimberly Rhodes
In Viking Land; Norway: Its Peoples, Its Fjords and Its Fjelds
ISBN 9781117069272 , 2009 , W. S. Monroe
In Viking Land; Norway: Its Peoples, Its Fjords and Its Fjelds
ISBN 9781117069265 , 2009 , W. S. Monroe
Advertising, the uneasy persuasion: its dubious impact on American society
ISBN 9780465000807 , 1986 , Michael Schudson
Economics and national strategy in the information age: global networks, technology policy, and cooperative competition
ISBN 9780275948139 , 1994 , James R. Golden
Personal Connections in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780745643328 , 2010 , Nancy K. Baym
Dividing Lines Between the European Union and Its Member States: The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon
ISBN 9789067042840 , 2008 , Stephen C. Sieberson
Literacy in the Digital Age
ISBN 9781412957465 , 2008 , R. W. Burniske
Religion in the Media Age
ISBN 9780415314237 , 2006 , Stewart M. Hoover
Losing control? [electronic resource]: sovereignty in an age of globalization
ISBN 9780231106085 , 1996
Personal Connections in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780745643311 , 2010 , Nancy K. Baym
Competing in the Third Wave: the ten key management issues of the information age
ISBN 9780875848075 , 1997 , Hope Tony