Søk: 'Computer Programming: An Introduction for the Scientifically Inclined'
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming: A Gentle Introduction
ISBN 9780862381295 , 1987 , Lennart Ohlsson, Per Stenom
Introduction to Computer Security
ISBN 9780321702012 , 2011
Computer Concepts and Programming in C
ISBN 9788122425710 , 2009
An introduction to Object-Oriented programming in C++.: With applications in computer graphics, 2nd edition
ISBN 9781852334505 , 2001 , 2. utgave , Graham Mark Seed
Introduction to Digital Computer Design, An, 4th ed.
ISBN 9788120310049 , 2004 , 4. utgave , V. Rajaraman, T. Radhakrishnan
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Theory, Programming, Applications
ISBN 9780471452539 , 2004 , Erik G. Thompson
Introduction to Computer Security
ISBN 9780321512949 , 2010
Computer Concepts and Programming in C
ISBN 9788122430578 , 2011
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780321544285 , 2008 , J. Glenn Brookshear
Bioethics: An Introduction For The Biosciences
ISBN 9780199267156 , 2005 , T. B. Mepham
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive
ISBN 9780132472753 , 2010 , Y. Daniel Liang
The Analytical Engine: An Introduction to Computer Science Using the Internet
ISBN 9780534953652 , 1998 , Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield
An Introduction to Network Programming with Java + CD
ISBN 9780321116147 , 2003 , Jan Graba
An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
ISBN 9780470017043 , 2009 , Boguslaw Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
ISBN 9780262220699 , 2004 , Seif Haridi, Peter Van Roy
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780132569033 , 2011 , J.Glenn Brookshear
Introduction to Computer Music
ISBN 9780470714553 , 2009
The Romans: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415458252 , 2008 , Antony Kamm
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780321524034 , 2008 , J.Glenn Brookshear
Algebraic Programming With Magma I: An Introduction to the Magma Language
ISBN 9783540627463 , 2006
The Psychology of Computer Programming: Silver Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9780932633422 , 1998 , Gerald M. Weinberg
CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming
ISBN 9780131387683 , 2010 , Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot
Concepts Techniques And Models Of Computer Programming
ISBN 9788120326859 , Van Roy & Haridi
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415822022 , 2013
Computer Numerical Control: Concepts and Programming
ISBN 9780766822900 , 2001
The Art Of Computer Programming, Volume 1, 3/E
ISBN 9788177587548 , 2008 , 3. utgave
British Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415583282 , 2010
Ethics and Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521702676 , 2012 , Adam Briggle, Carl Mitcham
An Assembly Language Introduction to Computer Architecture: Using the Intel Pentium
ISBN 9780195123760 , 1999 , Karen Miller
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780321434456 , 2007 , J. Glenn Brookshear