Søk: 'Contemporary sociological theory: expanding the classical tradition'
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412992770 , 2013
Industrializing America: understanding contemporary society through classical sociological analysis
ISBN 9780275965631 , 1999 , Frank W. Elwell
Industrializing America: Understanding Contemporary Society Through Classical Sociological Analysis
ISBN 9780275965648 , 1999 , Frank W. Elwell
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780073528182 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Introducing Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781408203880 , 2011 , Darren O'Byrne
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072817188 , 2003 , George Ritzer, Douglas Goodman
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071183239 , 2000 , George Ritzer
Contemporary sociology theory and its classical roots: the basics
ISBN 9780072349627 , 2002 , George Ritzer
Charles Ives and the Classical Tradition
ISBN 9780300105278 , 1996 , Peter Burkholder J., Geoffrey Holden Block
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412952361 , 2007 , Peter J. Kivisto
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412905596 , 2004
The Emergence of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780534509057 , 1998 , Jonathan H. Turner, Leonard Beeghley,m.fl.
Religion in the Contemporary World: A Sociological Introduction
ISBN 9780745676555 , 2013 , Alan Aldridge
Religion in the Contemporary World: A Sociological Introduction
ISBN 9780745653471 , 2013 , Alan Aldridge
Studyguide for Classical Sociological Theory by Ritzer & Goodman, ISBN 9780072824308: 0072824301
ISBN 9781428814844 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, George Ritzer,m.fl.
Weberian Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780521314268 , 1986 , Randall Collins
Handbook of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780387324586 , 2006 , Jonathan H. Turner
Classical Electromagnetic Theory
ISBN 9781402026997 , 2004
Dimensions of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781403943064 , 2005 , David J. Cheal
Dimensions of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781403943057 , 2005 , David J. Cheal
Studyguide for Contemporary Sociological Theory by Wallace & Wolf, ISBN 9780137876563: 0137876564
ISBN 9781428814950 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Ruth A. Wallace,m.fl.
The Classical Theory of Fields
ISBN 9780750627689 , 1987 , L. D. Landau, Morton Hamermesh
Classical Theory of Electromagnetism
ISBN 9789812382191 , 2003 , Baldassare Di Bartolo
The Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings
ISBN 9780195145816 , 2002 , David John Chalmers
Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings
ISBN 9780199812998 , 2012 , Michael Bratman, John Martin Fischer, Perry John
Contemporary Film Theory
ISBN 9780582090323 , 1993 , Antony Easthope
Thirdspace: Expanding the Geographical Imagination
ISBN 9781557866752 , 1996 , Edward W. Soja
Perspectives in Sociology: Classical and Contemporary
ISBN 9780415159791 , 1998 , Wes W. Sharrock, Edward C. Cuff, Dave W Francis
The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory
ISBN 9780415228145 , 2000 , Theodore R. Schatzki, Eike Von Savigny
Contemporary Theory of Conservation
ISBN 9780750662246 , 2004 , Salvador Munoz-Vinas