Søk: 'Currencies and Crisis'
The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination
ISBN 9781405124768 , 2005 , Lawrence Buell
Iran and the Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946
ISBN 9780521104739 , 2009 , Louise l'Estrange Fawcett
To Cook a Continent: Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa
ISBN 9781906387532 , 2011
State and Society in 21st Century China: Crisis, Contention, and Legitimation
ISBN 9780415332057 , 2004 , Peter Hays Gries, Stanley Rosen
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780753817520 , 2004 , Bernard Lewis
International Migration in the Age of Crisis and Globalization: Historical and Recent Experiences
ISBN 9780521194259 , 2010 , Andres Solimano
AIDS and Power: Why There is No Political Crisis - Yet
ISBN 9781842777060 , 2006 , Alexander De Waal
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780297645481 , 2003 , Bernard Lewis
The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Concise History
ISBN 9780199795703 , 2011 , David A. Welch, Don Munton
The United States, Western Europe and the Polish Crisis
ISBN 9780333740668 , 2002
Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
ISBN 9781781685488 , 2014
Consuming Desires: Family Crisis and the State in the Middle East
ISBN 9780804761550 , 2010 , Frances Hasso
Capitalism: With a New Postscript on the Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath
ISBN 9780745636481 , 2008 , Geoffrey Ingham
Media spectacle and the crisis of democracy: terrorism, war, and election battles
ISBN 9781594511196 , 2005 , Douglas M. Kellner
Managing crisis before they happen [electronic resource]: what every executive and manager needs to know about crisis management
ISBN 9780814405635 , 2000
AIDS and Power: Why there is no Political Crisis - Yet
ISBN 9781842777077 , 2006 , Alexander De Waal
Key Readings in Crisis Management: Systems and Structures for Prevention and Recovery
ISBN 9780415315210 , 2006 , Denis Smith Dominic Elliott
The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
ISBN 9780262691260 , 1988 , Ellen Kennedy
"Harvard Business Review" on Crisis Management
ISBN 9781578512355 , 2000 , Norman R. Augustine, Anurag Sharma,m.fl.
Crisis Command: Strategies for Managing Corporate Crises
ISBN 9781906355647 , 2009 , Hamish Mclean, Mary Power
The Ministry Demanded by the Present Crisis
ISBN 9781116954913 , 2009 , George Barton Ide
The Ministry Demanded by the Present Crisis
ISBN 9781116954920 , 2009 , George Barton Ide
The Crisis of the Welfare State: Ethics and Economics
ISBN 9781897969151 , 1993 , Michael Novak
Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets
ISBN 9780226356471 , 2001 , John D. Stephens, Evelyne Huber
Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable
ISBN 9780595090792 , 2000 , Steven Fink
Going off the rails: global capital and the crisis of legitimacy
ISBN 9780470853146 , 2003 , John Plender
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure
ISBN 9780521607339 , 2006 , Arjen Boin, Paul T. Hart, Eric J. Stern,m.fl.
The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden: The Nordic Experience of Financial Liberalization
ISBN 9781848443051 , 2009 , Lars Jonung, Pentti Vartia
Caring for those in crisis: facing ethical dilemmas with patients and families
ISBN 9781587431913 , 2007 , Kenneth P. Mottram