Søk: 'Deepening musical performance through movement: the theory and practice of embodied interpretation'
Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis
ISBN 9780198501381 , 1998
Acoustics and the Performance of Music: Manual for Acousticians, Audio Engineers, Musicians, Architects and Musical Instrument Makers
ISBN 9780387095165 , 2008 , Jurgen Meyer, Jacques Carmona, Michèle Vergne
Cryptography: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781584882060 , 2002 , Douglas R. Stinson
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Operations Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780077133016 , 2011 , William J. Stevenson
International Handbook of Practice-Based Performance Management
ISBN 9781412940122 , 2007 , Maria P. Aristigueta, Kaifeng Yang,m.fl.
Leadership: Theory and Practice
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Russian Translation: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415473477 , 2009
Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography
ISBN 9781412946971 , 2010
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
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Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
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The Theory and Practice of Change Management: Second Edition
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Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
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Audiences: A Sociological Theory of Performance and Imagination
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Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781405125963 , 2008 , Andrew Jones
International Handbook of Practice-Based Performance Management
ISBN 9781412940139 , 2008 , Francis Stokes Berry, Maria P. Aristigueta,m.fl.
Film Theory: An Introduction Through The Senses
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Circulation Economics: Theory and Practice
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Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice
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Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
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C.G. Jung: The Fundamentals of Theory and Practice
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Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
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State-Building: Theory and Practice
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Theory and Methodology of Training: The Key to Athletic Performance
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Leadership: theory and practice
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