Søk: 'Delay Fault Testing for VLSI Circuits'
Microelectronic Circuits: Supplement
ISBN 9780195142525 , 2004 , Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth Carless Smith
Managing the Testing Process: Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware and Software Testing
ISBN 9780470404157 , 2009
Software Testing Foundations: A Study Guide for the ...
ISBN 9781933952789
Algorithmic Aspects of VLSI Layout
ISBN 9789810214883 , 1993
Electric circuits
ISBN 9780201401004 , 1996 , James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
Microelectronic Circuits
ISBN 9780195117707 , 1998 , Adel S. Sedra, K.C. Smith
Electric Circuits and Digital Design, Part 2
ISBN 9781784343125 , 2014
Using computer tools for electric circuits
ISBN 9780201847079 , 1996 , James William Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
Electrical Circuits and Digital Design, Part 1
ISBN 9781784343132 , 2014
Microelectronic circuits
ISBN 9780030516481 , 1991 , Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth Carless Smith
Psychological Testing and Assessment
ISBN 9780073129099 , 2009 , Ronald Jay Cohen, Mark Swerdlik
Psychological Testing and Assessment
ISBN 9780071272230 , 2009 , Ronald Jay Cohen, Swerdlik
Electric Circuits: Supplement
ISBN 9780131465923 , 2004 , James William Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
Foundations of Software Testing
ISBN 9788131502181 , 2007 , Dorothy Graham
Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780131207646 , 2002 , Borivoje Nikolic, Anantha Chandrakasan,m.fl.
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
ISBN 9781110729760 , 2009 , Crapper Ellis H
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
ISBN 9781110729784 , 2009 , Crapper Ellis H
Microelectronic Circuits [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780195338836 , 2007 , Adel S Sedra, Kenneth C Smith
Psychological Testing: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9780131293830 , 2004 , Kevin R. Murphy, Charles O. Davidshofer
Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling
ISBN 9780130850379 , 2000 , James D. Plummer, Michael D. Deal,m.fl.
ISBN 9789814577014 , 8. utgave
Analog Design Issues in Digital VLSI Circuits and Systems: A Special Issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, an International Journal, Vol.14, Nos.1-2(1997)
ISBN 9780792399506 , 1997 , Juan J. Becerra, Eby G. Friedman
As Physics: Electrical Circuits
ISBN 9781844896790 , 2008 , J. Miller, Sophie Jacobi
Nonlinear and Distributed Circuits
ISBN 9780849372766 , 2005 , Chen Wai-Kai
Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stochastic Analysis and Synthesis
ISBN 9783540003182 , 2003 , Mufeed M. Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era Volume 3: The Submicron Mosfet
ISBN 9780961672157 , 1995 , Stanley Wolf, Richard N. Tauber
Electric Circuits Solutions Manual
ISBN 9780130908674 , 2001 , 6. utgave , Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
Circuits: Engineering Concepts and Analysis of Linear Electric Circuits
ISBN 9780534370978 , 1999
Electric Circuits Plus MasteringEngineering Student Access Card
ISBN 9781408295878 , 2011 , James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel