Søk: 'Democratic Ideals and Reality'
Insiders and Outsiders: Paradise and Reality in Mallorca
ISBN 9781571818904 , 1996 , Jacqueline Waldren
Insiders and outsiders: paradise and reality in Mallorca
ISBN 9781571818898 , 1996 , Jacqueline Waldren
Making Democratic Governance Work: How Regimes Shape Prosperity, Welfare, and Peace
ISBN 9781107602694 , 2012 , Pippa Norris
Democratic Accountability in Latin America
ISBN 9780199256372 , 2003 , Christopher Welna, Scott Mainwaring
the business and art of producing reality TV
ISBN 9780080927831 , 2008 , Michael Essany
Methods in Democratic Network Governance
ISBN 9781403995292 , 2006 , Peter Bogason, Mette Zølner
John Searle and the Construction of Social Reality
ISBN 9780826485861 , 2005 , Joshua Rust
The State of Democratic Theory
ISBN 9780691123967 , 2005 , Ian Shapiro
The Fabric of Reality
ISBN 9780140146905 , 1998 , David Deutsch
Civility and Subversion: The Intellectual in Democratic Society
ISBN 9780521627238 , 1998
Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary
ISBN 9780253206817 , 1992 , Bill Nichols
Bioregionalism And Civil Society: Democratic Challenges to Corporate Globalism
ISBN 9780774809450 , 2005 , Mike Carr
And the Winner Might Be...: Democratic Elections and Independent Journalism
ISBN 9788271472436 , 2004 , Tomm Kristiansen
A Centripetal Theory of Democratic Governance
ISBN 9780521710152 , 2008 , John Gerring, Strom C. Thacker
A Centripetal Theory of Democratic Governance
ISBN 9780521883948 , 2008 , John Gerring, Strom C. Thacker
Bioregionalism And Civil Society: Democratic Challenges To Corporate Globalism
ISBN 9780774809443 , 2004 , Mike Carr
Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
ISBN 9780226300634 , 2003
Civility and Subversion: The Intellectual in Democratic Society
ISBN 9780521622202 , 1998
Democratic Innovations: Designing Institutions for Citizen Participation
ISBN 9780521730709 , 2009 , Graham Smith
Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary
ISBN 9780253340603 , 1991 , Bill Nichols
Beyond right and left: democratic elitism in Mosca and Gramsci
ISBN 9780300075359 , 1999
Root Causes of Terrorism: Myths, Reality and Ways Forward
ISBN 9780415351508 , 2005 , Tore Bjørgo
Constructing Democratic Governance: South America
ISBN 9780801854033 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn
ISBN 9780804755955 , 2007 , Asef Bayat
Democratic Policing in a Changing World
ISBN 9781594515453 , 2008 , Peter K. Manning
The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising
ISBN 9781849041591 , 2011 , Jean-Pierre Filiu
The Social Reality of Crime
ISBN 9780765806789 , 2001 , Richard Quinney, A. Javier Treviño
Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
ISBN 9781781685488 , 2014
Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality
ISBN 9780761829041 , 2004 , Bernie Koenig
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn
ISBN 9780804755948 , 2007 , Assef Bayat