Søk: 'Designing Qualitative Research'
ISBN 9780335236343 , 2008 , WILLIG
The Science of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780521148818 , 2010 , Martin Packer
Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
ISBN 9781412975179 , 2010 , John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781847873231 , 2009 , Uwe Flick
The Sage Qualitative Research Kit
ISBN 9780761949749 , 2007 , Uwe Flick
Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography
ISBN 9780195430158 , 2010
Qualitative Research Practice: Concise Paperback Edition
ISBN 9781412934206 , 2006 , David Silverman, Giampietro Gobo, Clive Seale,m.fl.
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412974172 , 2011 , Yvonna S. Lincoln
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
ISBN 9781412916066 , 2007 , John W. Creswell
Qualitative Research Methods: In Organisation Studies
ISBN 9788741256450 , 2012 , Lise Justesen
Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods
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Doing and Writing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412911290 , 2007 , Adrian Holliday
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412911467 , 2006 , Uwe (alice-salomon University Of Applied Sc Flick
Qualitative Research in Business and Management
ISBN 9780857029744 , 2013 , Michael D. Myers
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761974369 , 2002 , Uwe Flick
A Companion to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761973744 , 2004 , Uwe Flick, Ines Steinke, Ernst von Kardoff
Criminological Research: Understanding Qualitative Methods
ISBN 9780761974062 , 2004 , Lesley Noaks, Emma Wincup
Criminological Research: Understanding Qualitative Methods
ISBN 9780761974079 , 2004 , Lesley Noaks, Emma Wincup
Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781849200622 , 2011
A Companion to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761973751 , 2004 , Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff, Ines Steinke
Qualitative Psychology: Introducing Radical Research
ISBN 9780335213498 , 2004 , Ian Parker
Introducing Qualitative Research: A Student's Guide to the Craft of Doing Qualitative Research
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Conceptualizing and Proposing Qualitative Research
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A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research
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Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research
ISBN 9781848601123 , 2009 , Mats Alvesson, Kaj Sköldberg
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
ISBN 9781292020235 , 2013 , W. Lawrence Neuman
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
ISBN 9780761920144 , 1999
Qualitative research design: an interactive approach
ISBN 9780761926085 , 2005 , Joseph Alex Maxwell
The Quality of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761955986 , 1999 , Clive Seale
Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook
ISBN 9781412901970 , 2005 , David Silverman