Søk: 'Destination culture: tourism, museums, and heritage'
Museums and Education: Purpose, Pedagogy, Performance
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Gay and Lesbian Tourism
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International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior
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Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
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Destination: Morgue!: L. A. Tales
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Tourism: Principles And Practice
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Nordic tourism: issues and cases
ISBN 9781845410933 , 2008 , Colin Michael Hall, Dieter K. Müller,m.fl.
Museums Basics Ed2
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Academies, Museums and Canons of Art
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Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today
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Destination viking: western viking route
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Heritage: Management, Interpretation, Identity
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Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel
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Ethics and Tourism Marketing Misrepresentation: Perceptions of Management Culture Amongst Prospectives Employees
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Adventure Tourism
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Marketing in Travel and Tourism
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Tourists and Tourism: A Reader
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Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage
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Tourism Management
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Tourism: Changes, Impacts, And Opportunities
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Tourism and Entrepreneurship: International Perspectives
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Sustainable Tourism: theory and practice
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Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations and Encounters
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Geography and Tourism Marketing
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Contemporary Tourism
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2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism
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Museum Revolutions: How Museums and Change and are Changed
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Event Management and Event Tourism
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Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers
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