Søk: 'Devices and desires'
Solid State Electronic Devices
ISBN 9780130255389 , 2000 , Ben G. Streetman, Sanjay Kumar Banerjee
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices
ISBN 9780471329985 , 1967 , A. S. Grove
Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices
ISBN 9780521832946 , 2009 , Yuan Taur, Tak H. Ning
Foundations of Electronics Circuits & Devices
ISBN 9781418005375 , 2006 , Robert K. Dueck, Russell L. Meade,m.fl.
The Inner History of Devices
ISBN 9780262201766 , 2008 , Sherry Turkle
Semiconductor optoelectronic devices: introduction to physics and simulation
ISBN 9780125571906 , 2003 , Joachim Piprek
Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version)
ISBN 9780136155812 , 2007 , Thomas L. Floyd
Solid State Electronic Devices: International Edition
ISBN 9780132454797 , 2009 , Ben G. Streetman, Sanjay Kumar Banerjee
Analysis and Simulation of Heterostructure Devices: Computational Microelectronics
ISBN 9783211405376 , 2003 , Vassil Palankovski, Rüdiger Quay
Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version)
ISBN 9780131278271 , 2004 , Thomas L. Floyd
Hall Effect Devices, Second Edition
ISBN 9780750308557 , 2003 , 2. utgave , R.S. Popovic
Design of computers and other complex digital devices
ISBN 9780130402677 , 2000 , Sunggn Lee
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780136085256 , 2009 , Chenming Calvin Hu
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky
ISBN 9780136064633 , 2008 , Louis Nashelsky, Robert L. Boylestad
Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version): International Edition
ISBN 9780132668880 , 2011 , Thomas L. Floyd
Electronic Devices (Conventional Flow Version)
ISBN 9780130944436 , 2002 , Thomas L. Floyd
Guide to Electronic Surveillance Devices
ISBN 9780790612454 , 2002 , Carl J. Bergquist
Foundations of Electronics: Circuits And Devices (Conventional Flow Version)
ISBN 9781418005412 , 2006 , Russell L. Meade, Robert Diffenderfer
Medical Devices, Emergency Medical Services
ISBN 9780803130227 , 2001 , American Society for Testing & Materials
Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version): Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025643 , 2013 , Thomas L. Floyd
Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Second Edition
ISBN 9780071362702 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Jimmie J. Cathey
Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and Over Communication Networks
ISBN 9781848001428 , 2008 , Sameer Singh, Zheng-Hua Tan, Borge Lindberg
Speaking Desires Can be Dangerous: The Poetics of the Unconscious
ISBN 9780745619682 , 2000 , Elizabeth Wright
Internet Embedded Devices for Industrial Applications
ISBN 9780700807055 , 1999 , D. Gill, J.S. Hobday
Blackjacking: Security Threats to BlackBerry Devices, PDAs, and Cell Phones in the Enterprise
ISBN 9780470127544 , 2007 , Daniel V. Hoffman
Embedded Ethernet Adn Internet Complete: Designing and Programming Small Devices for Networking
ISBN 9781931448000 , 2003 , Jan Axelson
Science and Technology of Semiconductor-on-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in a Harsh Environment
ISBN 9781402030116 , 2005 , m.fl.
Assistive devices, adaptive strategies, and recreational activities for students with disabilities: a practical guide for including students who need assistive devices and adaptive strategies into physical education and recreation activities
ISBN 9781571674999 , 2003 , B. Williams
Riding Quantum Waves, A 7-Step Plan for Manifesting Desires in the Information Age
ISBN 9780979275395 , 2007 , Barbara, Chang
Science and Technology of Semiconductor-On-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in a Harsh Environment: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science and Technology of Semiconductor-On-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in...
ISBN 9781402030123 , 2005 , Denis Flandre, Alexei N. Nazarov,m.fl.