Søk: 'Direct and Interactive Marketing'
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032102 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077167950 , 2015 , David Jobber, John Fahy
Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural ...
ISBN 9781452257174 , 2013 , Marieke de Mooij
International Marketing and Export Management
ISBN 9780273743880 , 2011 , Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
ISBN 9781292000411 , 2013 , Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781485102649 , 2014 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Marketing Culture and the Arts
ISBN 9782980860218 , 2007
Signals and Systems, 2005 Interactive Solutions Edition
ISBN 9780471707899 , 2005 , Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen
Services Marketing
ISBN 9780071086967 , 2012 , Valarie A. Zeithaml, Dwayne D. Gremler
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702177392 , 2009 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136009986 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Phil Kotler
Marketing in Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780750686938 , 2009 , Victor T. C. Middleton, Michael Morgan
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273718567 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Fundamentals of Retailing and Shopper Marketing
ISBN 9780273757399 , 2012 , Jan Hillesland, Thomas E. Rudolph, Odd Gisholt,m.fl.
Interactive Behaviour at Work
ISBN 9780273655909 , 2002
ISBN 9780199290437 , 2008 , Chris Fill Paul Baines, Kelly Page
Marketing and the Internet
ISBN 9780130169754 , 2001 , Eloise Coupey
Principles and Practice of Marketing
ISBN 9780077123307 , 2010 , David Jobber
Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis
ISBN 9780472069699 , 2007 , Robert J Franzese Jr., Cindy Kam
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780131457577 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, KEVIN LANE AUTOR KELLER
Services Marketing
ISBN 9780538476454 , 2010 , John E. G. Bateson
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702186875 , 2011 , Adele Berndt
A theory of conflict: overcoming direct violence
ISBN 9788230005569 , 2010 , Johan Galtung
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780273713876 , 2008 , Gerald Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Biomechanics in Clinic and Research: An Interactive Teaching and Learning Course
ISBN 9780443101700 , 2008 , Jim Richards
Marketing and Modernity: An Ethnography of Marketing Practice
ISBN 9781859739969 , 1997
Global Marketing 6th Edn
ISBN 9780273773160 , 2013 , Svend Hollensen
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780199646500 , 2012 , Paul Baines, Kelly Page
Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780470773147 , 2008 , Peter Doyle
Atlas of Human Anatomy: Including Student Consult Interactive Ancillaries and Guides
ISBN 9781455704187 , 2014 , Frank H. Netter