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Divas Las Vegas
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Popular music in theory - an introduction
ISBN 9780745613185 , 1996 , Keith Negus
Divas and Scholars: Performing Italian Opera
ISBN 9780226304878 , 2008 , Philip Gossett
Reading Pop : Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music
ISBN 9780198166115 , 2000 , Richard Middleton
Approaches to Popular Music 1960-1980
ISBN 9781860131301 , 1982 , Edward Lee, Graham Vulliamy
ISBN 9789157459350 , 2002 , Lena Gemzöe
Feminism and Anthropology
ISBN 9780745601137 , 1988 , Henrietta L. Moore
Performing rites: on the value of popular music
ISBN 9780674661967 , 1998 , Simon Frith
Feminism and Linguistic Theory
ISBN 9780312083762 , 2003 , Deborah Cameron
Ethnicity, Identity and Music: The Musical Construction of Place
ISBN 9781859730416 , 1997
Techno Feminism
ISBN 9788175333444 , 2011 , S. Thakur
Gods and Guitars: Seeking the Sacred in Post-1960s Popular Music
ISBN 9781602581395 , 2009 , Michael J. Gilmour
Feminism and Linguistic Theory
ISBN 9780333558898 , 1992 , Deborah Cameron
Disenchanting Les Bons Temps: Identity and Authenticity in Cajun Music and Dance
ISBN 9780822330202 , 2003 , Charles J. Stivale
American popular music: new approaches to the twentieth century
ISBN 9781558492684 , 2001 , Rubin, Rachel, Melnick, Jeffrey Paul
American popular music: new approaches to the twentieth century
ISBN 9781558492677 , 2001 , Jeffrey Paul Melnick
Electronic and Experimental Music: Technology, Music, and Culture
ISBN 9780415957823 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Thom Holmes
Media, Gender and Identity
ISBN 9780415396615 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Feminism and Post-Colonial Theory
ISBN 9780748613502 , 2003 , Reina Lewis
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music: Herbal Mixture-Louvin Brothers
ISBN 9780333741344 , 1998 , Colin Larkin
Darkness Racket and Twang - Essential Listening from the Fringes of Popular and Unpopular Music
ISBN 9780977684922 , 2006 , V Cook Alex
Music hall & modernity: the late-Victorian discovery of popular culture
ISBN 9780821415856 , 2004 , Barry J. Faulk
Aesthetics and Music
ISBN 9780826485199 , 2007 , Andy Hamilton
Literature and Feminism: An Introduction
ISBN 9780631184218 , 1993 , Pam Morris
Literature After Feminism
ISBN 9780226241142 , 2003 , Rita Felski
Literature after Feminism
ISBN 9780226241159 , 2003 , Rita Felski
Electronic and Experimental Music: Technology, Music, and Culture
ISBN 9780415957816 , 2008 , Thom Holmes
Electronic and Experimental Music: Technology, Music, and Culture
ISBN 9780203929599 , 2008 , Thom Holmes
Modern Music and After
ISBN 9780199740505 , 2011 , Paul Griffiths
Music and Copyright
ISBN 9780748618132 , 2004 , Simon Frith