Søk: 'Drop City'
ISBN 9783575333162 , 1995
ISBN 9783575333766 , 1995
ISBN 9783575333773 , 1995
ISBN 9783575113375 , 1995
Dixie City Jam
ISBN 9780752816517 , 1994 , James Lee Burke
The Ancient Mesopotamian City
ISBN 9780198152866 , 1999
Insight Guides: Kuala Lumpur City Guide
ISBN 9789812823205 , 2011 , Insight
Las Vegas City Guide.
ISBN 9781740591690 , 2003 , Scott Doggett
The twenty-seventh city
ISBN 9781841157481 , 2003 , Jonathan Franzen
City of Glass: The Graphic Novel
ISBN 9780312423605 , 2010 , Paul Karasik, David Mazzucchelli
Insight City Guide Paris
ISBN 9789814137553 , 2004 , Brian Bell, Clare Griffiths
Tokyo Geocenter City Map
ISBN 9783575032553 , 2004 , MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG
Warsaw Geocenter City Map
ISBN 9783575032591 , 2004 , MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG
Sex and the City
ISBN 9780446612647 , 2002 , Candace Bushnell
Mussolini's Rome: Rebuilding the Eternal City
ISBN 9781403980021 , 2008 , Borden Painter
New York City: Condensed
ISBN 9781864502503 , 2002 , Dani Valent
Globalization and the city
ISBN 9780582369122 , 1999 , Rennie Short, Yeong Hyun Kim
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781151452429 , 2009 , Thomas Anderton
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781409963677 , 2009 , Thomas Anderton
The Canadian City
ISBN 9780886290184 , 1984 , Alan F. J. Artibise, Gilbert Arthur Stelter
The City Watch Trilogy
ISBN 9780575067981 , 1999 , Terry Pratchett
Cambridge: city & university map
ISBN 9781841391236 , 1999 , Map Group, Compass Maps Limited
Hollowfaust: City of Necromancers
ISBN 9781588461636 , 2001 , Ethan Skemp
Mema's House, Mexico City
ISBN 9780226682563 , 1998 , Annick Prieur
Lonely Planet Mexico City
ISBN 9781864500875 , 2000 , Susan Forsyth, John Noble
Morten Andersen: Fast city
ISBN 9788299532600 , 1999 , Morten Andersen
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781421800974 , 2006 , Thomas Anderton
Istanbul: Memories of a City
ISBN 9780571218332 , 2006 , Orhan Pamuk
The Mediterranean City in Transition
ISBN 9780521025256 , 2006 , Derek Gregory
Edinburgh: City of the Dead
ISBN 9781845020354 , 2004