Søk: 'Dublin; gatelangs'
Dublin Insight Guide
ISBN 9789812348920 , 2002
Dublin; popout map
ISBN 9781841391137 , 1998
ISBN 9789812341860 , 2003
Lonely Planet Best Of Dublin
ISBN 9781740594905 , 2004 , Oda O'Carroll
Medieval Dublin Excavations, 1962-81: The runic inscriptions of Viking age Dublin
ISBN 9781874045427 , 1997 , R. I. Page, Michael Barnes, Jan Ragnar Hagland
Archaeology and Environment in Early Dublin: Medieval Dublin Excavations, 1962-1981
ISBN 9780901714619 , 1987 , George Frank Mitchell, Camilla A. Dickson,m.fl.
Archaeology and Environment in Early Dublin
ISBN 9780901714657 , 1987 , George Frank Mitchell, Camilla A. Dickson,m.fl.
Gatelangs, gårdimellom: i Hamar på 60-tallet
ISBN 9788273280817 , 2004 , Widar Aspeli, Wenche-Britt Hagabakken, Roar Jevne,m.fl.
Among the Dublin Poor: Margaret Aylward, 1810-89
ISBN 9781851821525 , 1998
George Edmund Street and the Restoration of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
ISBN 9781851824953 , 2000 , Roger Stalley
Trinity College Library Dublin: Descriptive Catalogue of the Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Manuscripts: Supplement One
ISBN 9781846820953 , 2008 , Marvin L. Colker
Imap Dublin: See It, Watch It, Taste It, Buy It, Find It, Compass Inside
ISBN 9781841395227 , 2000
A Country Boy: Stories & Reminiscences of a Young Man's Journey from Millingar to 1930's Dublin
ISBN 9780954821104 , 2004 , Tom Lynam, Siobhan Lynam
Three Dublin Plays: The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, & The Plough and the Stars
ISBN 9780571195527 , 1998 , Sean O'Casey
The Banquet of Dun na n-gedh and the Battle of Magh rath: an ancient historical tale from the manuscript in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin
ISBN 9781861430045 , 1996 , John O'Donovan,m.fl.
Ancient Rome: the archaeology of the eternal city
ISBN 9780947816551 , 2000 , Hazel Dodge, J. C. Coulston,m.fl.