Søk: 'Eco-hydrology'
Om litteratur: essays
ISBN 9788210049378 , 2004 , Umberto Eco
Mouse Or Rat?: Translation As Negotiation
ISBN 9780753817988 , 2004 , Umberto Eco
ISBN 9788210048081 , 2003 , Umberto Eco
ISBN 9780099428398 , 2003 , Umberto Eco
Mouse Or Rat?: Translation As Negotiation
ISBN 9780297830016 , 2003 , Umberto Eco
Foucault's Pendulum
ISBN 9780099287155 , 2001 , Umberto Eco
Rosens navn
ISBN 9788210047886 , 2002 , Umberto Eco
Fire moralske betraktninger
ISBN 9788210045318 , 2000 , Umberto Eco
The Island of the Day Before
ISBN 9780749396664 , 1996 , Umberto Eco
The name of the rose
ISBN 9780749397050 , 1998 , Umberto Eco
Lector in fabula: le rôle du lecteur ou La coopération interprétative dans les textes narratifs
ISBN 9782253048794 , 1985 , Umberto Eco
The Name of the Rose
ISBN 9780099466031 , 1983 , Umberto Eco
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780300093049 , 2002 , Umberto Eco, Hugh Bredin
On beauty
ISBN 9780436205170 , 2004 , Umberto Eco, Alastair McEwen
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana: An Illustrated Novel
ISBN 9780436205637 , 2005 , Umberto Eco, Geoffrey Brock
Kunsten å skrive en akademisk oppgave, hovedoppgave og masteroppgave
ISBN 9788292293010 , 2002 , Umberto Eco, Kjartan Husbyn Aarsand
ISBN 9788210046506 , 2002 , Umberto Eco, Tor Fotland
Den nye middelalderen: og andre essays
ISBN 9788210040979 , 2000 , Umberto Eco, Siri Nergaard
Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Socio-Technical Change
ISBN 9780262521949 , 1994 , John Law, Wiebe Eco Bijker
Interpretation and Overinterpretation
ISBN 9780521425544 , 1992 , Umberto Eco, Richard Rorty, Christine Brooke-Rose