Søk: 'Encyclopedia of Social Theory'
A Structural Theory of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521454827 , 1998 , Noah E. Friedkin, Mark Granovetter
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780803984493 , 1994 , Derek Layder
Encyclopedia of Classic Cars
ISBN 9781856057745 , 2003 , David Lillywhite
The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism
ISBN 9780851996820 , 2003 , David B. Weaver
Social Theory and Religion
ISBN 9780521774314 , 2003 , James A. Beckford
Encyclopedia of the dog
ISBN 9780753706732 , 2002 , Caroline Taggart
Encyclopedia of World History
ISBN 9780752584430 , 2002 , Black, Paul Brewer
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412992770 , 2013
ISBN 9780600604754 , 2001 , Christopher Foulkes
Illuminating Social Life 4th Ed + the Social Theory of W.e.b. Dubois
ISBN 9781412979153 , 2009 , 4. utgave , Peter J. Kivisto, Phil Zuckerman
A Handbook of Theory for Social Care
ISBN 9781903575437 , 2007 , Iain Maclean, Siobhan Maclean,m.fl.
Social Theory Today
ISBN 9780745602110 , 1988 , Anthony Giddens
Ecotoxicology: A Derivative of Encyclopedia of Ecology
ISBN 9780444536280 , 2010 , Erik Jorgensen
Novell's Encyclopedia of Networking
ISBN 9780764545115 , 1998 , Kristin Marks, Steve Kalman, Kevin Shafer
A Handbook of Theory for Social Care
ISBN 9781903575420 , 2006 , Iain Maclean, Siobhan Maclean
Environment and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415376167 , 2006 , John Barry
Encyclopedia of World Mythology
ISBN 9781840842487 , 1999 , Arthur Cotterell, Loren Auerbach
History and Social Theory
ISBN 9780745634067 , 2005 , Peter Burke
Social Theory and Religion
ISBN 9780521773362 , 2003 , James A. Beckford
ISBN 9780077108625 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies
ISBN 9780415255172 , 2001 , Mona Baker, Kirsten Malmkjaer
A General Theory of Emotions and Social Life
ISBN 9780415363105 , 2008 , Warren D. TenHouten, Warre TenHouten
A General Theory of Emotions and Social Life
ISBN 9780415482721 , 2008 , Warren D. TenHouten, Warre TenHouten
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415447997 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
Encyclopedia of globalization: N toT
ISBN 9780415973144 , 2006
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics
ISBN 9780387335636 , 2006 , D.E. James
Concise Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780199206360 , 2007 , Jonathan Law
Microsoft(r) Encyclopedia of Security
ISBN 9780735618770 , 2003 , Mitch Tulloch
Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll: Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll
ISBN 9780743201209 , 2001 , Holly George-Warren, Patricia Romanowski Bashe,m.fl.
National Geographic Encyclopedia of Space
ISBN 9780792273196 , 2004 , Linda K. Glover, Patricia S. Daniels,m.fl.