Søk: 'Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions'
Crosswords: Language, Education and Ethnicity in French Ontario
ISBN 9783110176872 , 2002 , Monica Heller
Ethnicity and class: social divisions in an Indian city
ISBN 9780195678307 , 2006 , Gopa Sabharwal
A New Psychology Of Women: Gender, Culture, And Ethnicity
ISBN 9780072997859 , 2005 , Hilary M. Lips, Cheryl Rickabaugh
The Authentic Voice: The Best Reporting on Race and Ethnicity
ISBN 9780231132893 , 2006 , Arlene Notoro Morgan, Alice Irene Pifer
A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity
ISBN 9780767429849 , 2003 , Hilary M. Lips
Constructing Bangladesh: Religion, Ethnicity, And Language in an Islamic Nation
ISBN 9780807830215 , 2006 , Sufia M. Uddin
Archaeology, language, and history: essays on culture and ethnicity
ISBN 9780897897242 , 2001 , John Edward Terrell
Common Denominators: Ethnicity, Nation-Building and Compromise in Mauritius
ISBN 9781859739594 , 1998 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Common denominators: ethnicity, nation-building and compromise in Mauritius
ISBN 9781859739549 , 1998 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Investigating language attitudes: social meanings of dialect, ethnicity and performance
ISBN 9780708318034 , 2003 , Nikolas Coupland, Peter Garrett, Angie Williams
Debating Diversity: Clashing Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity in America
ISBN 9780195146516 , 2002 , Ronald T. Takaki
A bagful of locusts and the baboon woman: constructions of gender, change, and continuity in Botswana
ISBN 9780155070387 , 2002 , David N. Suggs
Ethnicity, Identity and Music: The Musical Construction of Place
ISBN 9781859730416 , 1997
The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories
ISBN 9780230500068 , 2008 , Chris Lorenz, Stefan Berger
Ethnicity and Language Change: English in (London)Derry, Northern Ireland
ISBN 9789027218384 , 2000 , Kevin McCafferty
On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, And Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration
ISBN 9781412805964 , 2006 , Frank K. Salter
Acts of Identity: Creole-based Approaches to Language and Ethnicity
ISBN 9780521316040 , 1985 , Robert Brock Le Page, Andrée Tabouret-Keller
The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780822339663 , 2007 , Dubravka Zarkov
British Identities Before Nationalism: Ethnicity And Nationhood in the Atlantic World, 1600-1800
ISBN 9780521024532 , 2006 , Colin Kidd
Coming to America (Second Edition): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
ISBN 9780060505776 , 2002 , Roger Daniels
A Semiotic of Ethnicity: In (Re)cognition of the Italian/American Writer
ISBN 9780791439159 , 1998 , Anthony Julian Tamburri
A Semiotic of Ethnicity: In (Re)Cognition of the Italian/American Writer
ISBN 9780791439166 , 1998 , Anthony Julian Tamburri
Census and Identity: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses
ISBN 9780521004275 , 2001 , David I. Kertzer, Dennis P. Hogan, Jack Caldwell,m.fl.
Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and After the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame
ISBN 9780761951858 , 1996
Ethnicity, Race, and Health in Multicultural Societies: Foundations for Better Epidemiology, Public Health, and Health Care
ISBN 9780198568179 , 2007 , Raj S. Bhopal
Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945
ISBN 9780195096484 , 1995 , George J. Sanchez
After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent Statest
ISBN 9780299148942 , 1996 , Anatoly Michailovich Khazanov
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labor History
ISBN 9781571817877 , 2002
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labour History
ISBN 9781571813015 , 2002
After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States
ISBN 9780299148904 , 1995 , A.M. Khazanov