Søk: 'Eu Administrative Law'
Forskningsmetode for økonomisk-administrative fag
ISBN 9788279351658 , 2004 , Asbjørn Johannessen, Per Arne Tufte,m.fl.
Administrative Systems and Processes
ISBN 9780900491726 , 2005 , Mike Turner
Competition Law
ISBN 9780199586554 , 2011 , Richard Whish
EU- og EØS-relevante tekster
ISBN 9788215016030 , 2010 , Universitetet i Oslo Senter for Europarett,m.fl.
Maritime Law
ISBN 9780414048768 , 2011 , Institute of Maritime Law
EU er ikke all verden: EU på den internasjonale arena
ISBN 9788215004747 , 2003 , Universitetet i Oslo Senter for Europarett,m.fl.
European Union Law
ISBN 9780199639816 , 2012 , Margot Horspool, Matthew Humphreys
Polit System of the Eu
ISBN 9780333961827 , 2005 , Simon Hix
Jus for økonomiske og administrative studier
ISBN 9788202308872 , 2009 , Geir Heivoll
Regulating Competition in the EU
ISBN 9788757416978 , 2008 , Jessen Pernille Wegener, Karsten Engsig Sorensen,m.fl.
Contract Law Concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide
ISBN 9780199544578 , 2013
Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook
ISBN 9780814407844 , 2003 , Kevin Wilson, James Stroman, Jennifer Wauson
Innføring i mikroøkonomi: for økonomisk-administrative studier
ISBN 9788202286064 , 2012 , Viggo Andresassen
Administrative law of the European Union, its member states and the United States: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9789050952514 , 2002 , René Seerden,m.fl.
Administrative Systems in the Organisation
ISBN 9780900491771 , 2005 , Doreen Osuch
Competition Law
ISBN 9780199289387 , 2009 , Richard Whish
International Law
ISBN 9780199259397 , 2004 , Antonio Cassese
Textbook on Contract Law
ISBN 9780199687220 , 2014
Innføring i makroøkonomi: for økonomisk-administrative studier
ISBN 9788202286071 , 2010 , Leiv Opstad
Nutshell International Law
ISBN 9780414025721 , 2013 , Professor Rebecca Wallace, Karen Wylie
Bankruptcy Law
ISBN 9780791097137 , 2008 , Alan Marzilli, Sandra Coaxum Allen
International Law
ISBN 9781847030177 , 2008 , Professor Rebecca Wallace, Dr Elina Steinerte
Cassese's International Criminal Law
ISBN 9780199694921 , 2013 , Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta
Casebook on Contract Law
ISBN 9780199687237 , 2014
Constitutional Principles of EU External Relations
ISBN 9780199546688 , 2008 , Geert De Baere
International Human Rights Law
ISBN 9781405811811 , 2009 , Javaid Rehman
Non-State Actor Dynamics in International Law: From Law-Takers to Law-Makers
ISBN 9781409403166 , 2010
Innføring i skatterett 2015-2016 : for økonomisk-administrative høgskolestudier
ISBN 9788205481640 , 2015 , Lars Fallan
Telecommunications Law and Regulation
ISBN 9780199656660 , 2012 , Ian Walden
Administrative Documents of Mughal India
ISBN 9788170180715 , 1996 , M. A. Ansari