Søk: 'Future Organizational Design - The Scope for the IT-based Enterprise'
Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War
ISBN 9780226669656 , 2010 , Charles Piot
Enterprise and the Welfare State
ISBN 9781858986647 , 1998 , Martin Rein, Eskil Wadensjo
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
ISBN 9781842777947 , 2007 , Anthony Weis
Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War
ISBN 9780226669649 , 2010 , Charles Piot
Organizational Design: A Step-by-Step Approach
ISBN 9780521180238 , 2011 , Richard M. Burton, Børge Obel,m.fl.
Enterprise and the Welfare State
ISBN 9781858983790 , 1997 , Martin Rein, Eskil Wadensjo
The Future of Nostalgia
ISBN 9780465007080 , 2002
Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System
ISBN 9780792384359 , 1999 , Michele Fratianni, Dominick Salvatore,m.fl.
The Future of Governing
ISBN 9780700611300 , 2001 , B. Guy Peters
Education for the Manufacturing World of the Future
ISBN 9780309035842 , 1985 , National Academy of Engineering, Erich Bloch,m.fl.
Design for the 21st century
ISBN 9783822827796 , 2003 , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Engineering Design: A Project Based Introduction
ISBN 9780470225967 , 2008 , Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little
The Future of Career
ISBN 9780521649650 , 2000 , Richard A. Young, Audrey Collin
The Future of Human Rights
ISBN 9780198084969 , 2012 , Upendra Baxi
The future of governing
ISBN 9780700611294 , 2001 , B. Guy Peters
Governance for Sustainable Development: A Foundation for the Future
ISBN 9781844072071 , 2005 , Georgina Ayre, Rosalie Callway
Governance for Sustainable Development: A Foundation for the Future
ISBN 9781844072088 , 2005 , Georgina Ayre, Rosalie Callway
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: International Edition
ISBN 9780138157111 , 2009 , Gareth R. Jones
Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction
ISBN 9780471368946 , 2004 , Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little
Studyguide for Organizational Theory, Design and Change by Jones, ISBN 9780131865426
ISBN 9781428866317 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
ISBN 9780674789951 , 1994
Developing Enterprise Services for SAP
ISBN 9781592292912 , 2009 , Thomas Pohl, Markus Peter
Organizational culture: mapping the terrain
ISBN 9780803972940 , 2002 , Joanne Martin
New Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives
ISBN 9789629490690 , 2001 , Yin Cheong Cheng, King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui
New Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives
ISBN 9789629490584 , 2001 , Yin Cheong Cheng, King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise
ISBN 9780262026451 , 2008 , Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen
Future for the Accountancy Profession: The Quest for Closure - Integration 1957-1970
ISBN 9781871250879 , 2001 , Ken Shackleton, S. Walker
Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
ISBN 9780674789944 , 1990
Mountain Justice: For Appalachia and for the Future of Us All
ISBN 9781849350235 , 2010 , Tricia Shapiro
Graphic Design For The 21st Century
ISBN 9783822816059 , 2003 , 21. utgave , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell