Søk: 'Global Care Work: Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies'
Physiotherapy in Respiratory and Cardiac Care
ISBN 9781408072837 , 2014 , Alexandra Hough
Comprehending Care: Problems and Possibilities in the Ethics of Care
ISBN 9780739126165 , 2008 , Tove Pettersen
Democratization and Gender in Contemporary Russia
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Gender, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia
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Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies
ISBN 9781444328158 , 2010 , Xenia Chryssochoou, Assaad E. Azzi,m.fl.
Sociology in Nursing and Health Care
ISBN 9780443101557 , 2008
Beyond Chinatown: New Chinese Migration And the Global Expansion of China
ISBN 9788776940003 , 2007
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9789231040504 , 2007 , UNESCO, Matthias Koenig,m.fl.
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
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Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies
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Values and Ethics in Social Work
ISBN 9781446203200 , 2012 , Andrew Maynard, Chris Beckett
Negotiating Identities in Scandinavia: Women, Migration, and the Diaspora
ISBN 9781782383062 , 2014 , Haci Akman
Ethics and Values in Social Work
ISBN 9780230300170 , 2012 , Sarah Banks
Citizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies
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Conflict Management in Divided Societies: Theories and Practice
ISBN 9780415563741 , 2011 , Stefan Wolff
Values and Ethics in Social Work
ISBN 9781446203194 , 2012 , Andrew Maynard
Work Psychology in Action
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Gender, Christianity and Change in Vanuatu
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Nation and Gender in Contemporary Europe
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Cultures and Societies in a Changing World
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Gender and Development
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Schools and Societies
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Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
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Peacebuilding In Postconflict Societies: Strategy And Process
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Making Global Trade Work for People
ISBN 9781853839825 , 2003 , United Nations Development Programme,m.fl.
Women, Family, and Gender in Islamic Law
ISBN 9780521537476 , 2008
Mediatization and Religion: Nordic Perspectives
ISBN 9789186523442 , 2012 , Mia Lovheim
Human Rights and Social Justice in a Global Perspective:An Introduction to International Social Work: An Introduction to International Social Work
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Foundations In Nursing And Health Care
ISBN 9780748771172 , 2003
Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology
ISBN 9781451115659 , 2012 , Lillian S. Torres, Andrea Guillen Dutton