Søk: 'Haunted Ground'
Blow the wind southerly: a story about a captain, an albatross and a haunted ship
ISBN 9788276342161 , 1998 , Randi Margrethe Eidsaa
The Great Work of Making Real: Salman Rushdie's The Ground Beneath Her Feet
ISBN 9788846709066 , 2003
The Moral Law: Kant's Ground Work of the Metaphysic of Morals
ISBN 9780415078436 , 1991 , Immanuel Kant, Herbert James Paton
Figure and ground: Rembrandt to Mondrian : landscape and people in Netherlands art, 1520-1920
ISBN 9780948037191 , 2005 , Peter Murray, Anne Boddaert
Abortion and the Moral Significance of Merely Possible Persons: Finding Middle Ground in Hard Cases
ISBN 9789048137916 , 2010 , Melinda A. Roberts
See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism
ISBN 9781400046843 , 2003 , Robert Baer
Astrophysical Sources for Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 October - 1 November 2000
ISBN 9780735400146 , 2001 , Joan M. Centrella
The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters
ISBN 9780691032436 , 1997 , Pavel Aleksandrovich Florenskii