Søk: 'Image processing, analysis, and machine vision'
An Introduction to Digital Image Processing
ISBN 9780134806747 , 1986 , Wayne Niblack
An Introduction to Morphological Image Processing
ISBN 9780819408457 , 1992 , Edward R. Dougherty
Aspects of Image Processing: Splines, Anisotropic Diffusion and Biological Models
ISBN 9783832212360 , 2003 , Karl Riedel
Digital image processing: a practical introduction using Java
ISBN 9780201596236 , 2000 , Nick Efford
Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective
ISBN 9780134897332 , 1996 , John R. Jensen
The Pocket Handbook of Image Processing Algorithms in C
ISBN 9780137033478 , 1993 , Harley R. Myler, Arthur R. Weeks
Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis with CD-ROM
ISBN 9780521884112 , 2008 , Lawrence O'Gorman, Michael Seul
Analysis, Perception and Processing of Spoken Language: Fujisaki's Festchrift
ISBN 9780444817778 , 1997 , K. Hirose
Machine Component Design
ISBN 9781118092262 , 2012 , Robert C. Juvinall, Kurt M. Marshek
Vision and Visuality
ISBN 9781565844612 , 1999
Seismic data analysis : processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data
ISBN 9781560800941 , 2001 , Ozdogan Yilmaz
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2
ISBN 9781430244646 , 2013 , Ira Greenberg, Deepak Kumar
Machine Learning
ISBN 9780071154673 , 1997 , Thomas Mitchell
Machine Learning
ISBN 9780070428072 , 1997 , Thomas Mitchell
Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications: First European Workshops, EvoIASP'99 and EuroEcTel'99 Goteborg, Sweden, May 26-27, 1999, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540658375 , 1999 , Riccardo Poli, Hans-Michael Voigt,m.fl.
Statistical Machine Translation
ISBN 9780521874151 , 2009 , Philipp Koehn
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IV : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
ISBN 9780819456458 , 2005 , Edward R. Dougherty, Jaakko T. Astola,m.fl.
A Web Tool For Crime Data Analysis: Data Analysis - A Machine Learning Algorithm Approach
ISBN 9783639070576 , 2008 , RAMESH ANNABATHULA
Machine learning : an algorithmic perspective
ISBN 9781466583283 , 2014 , Stephen Marsland
The Time Machine
ISBN 9780141439976 , 2005 , William Gibson, H. G. Wells, Steve Maclean
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
ISBN 9781848829343 , 2010 , Richard Szeliski
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9781845692162 , 2009 , P.J. Fellows
Remote sensing and image interpretation
ISBN 9780471152279 , 2004 , Ralph W. Kiefer, Thomas M. Lillesand,m.fl.
The Time Machine
ISBN 9780460882255 , 2002 , Herbert George Wells
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design
ISBN 9781856178952 , 2009 , Michael F. Ashby, David Cebon
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition
ISBN 9780135041963 , 2008 , Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin
Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780521110020 , 2011 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle
Image analysis, random fields and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: a mathematical introduction
ISBN 9783540442134 , 2002 , Gerhard Winkler
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
ISBN 9780120884070
Cognitive Processing for Vision & Voice: Proceedings of the Fourth NEC Research Symposium
ISBN 9780898713350 , 1994