Søk: 'Intercultural Communication Theory'
An introduction to intercultural communication: identities in a global community
ISBN 9781412970105 , 2010 , Fred Edmund Jandt
Doing Business With Japan: Successful Strategies for Intercultural Communication
ISBN 9780824821272 , 1999 , Kazuo Nishiyama
Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters
ISBN 9781931930260 , 2006 , Anna Mindess
Mass Communication: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9788124101346 , 2007
An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Comm
ISBN 9780761928478 , 2003 , Fred Edmund Jandt
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781446274958 , 2014 , Joep Cornelissen
Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice
ISBN 9782940373093 , 2005 , Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts
Using Communication Theory: An Introduction to Planned Communication
ISBN 9780803984318 , 1992 , Benno Signitzer, Jean T. Olson
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857022431 , 2011 , Joep P. Cornelissen
Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803973572 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415432047 , 2010 , Owen Hargie
Essentials of mass communication theory
ISBN 9780803973565 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780761970705 , 2005 , David Holmes
Communication theory: media, technology and society
ISBN 9780761970699 , 2005 , David Holmes
Mass Communication Theory An Introduction
ISBN 9780803977853 , 1994 , Denis McQuail
Communicating Across Cultures In Cyberspace: A Bibliographical Review Of Intercultural Communication Online
ISBN 9783825876135 , 2005
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972426 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Culturally speaking: culture, communication and politeness theory
ISBN 9780826493101 , 2008 , Helen Spencer-Oatey
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857022424 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication
ISBN 9780761973638 , 2009 , Nick Stevenson
Communication Theory and Research: An Ejc Anthology
ISBN 9781412918329 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Intercultural Communication: Past and Future ; Selected Papers Presented at the 7th Nordic Symposium for Intercultural Communication, Ã…bo Akademi University, Turku/Ã…bo, Finland, 24-26 November 2000
ISBN 9789521212451 , 2003 , Nils G. Holm, Johanna Quiroz-Schauman
Advertising Strategy: A Communication Theory Approach
ISBN 9780275916923 , 1980 , Larry Percy, John R. Rossiter
Into Africa : intercultural insights
ISBN 9781877864575 , 1998 , Yale Richmond, Phyllis Gestrin
Ongoing Crisis Communication
ISBN 9781452261362 , 2014 , W. Timothy Coombs
Information & Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theory & Narratives of Practice
ISBN 9780415965477 , 2008 , Larry Davis Browning, Alf Steinar Saetre,m.fl.
Communication Theory in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of Mass Communication & Society
ISBN 9780805897647 , 2000 , David DeMers
Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners
ISBN 9780205548736 , 2008 , Jack Rosenberry, Lauren A. Vicker
Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment
ISBN 9780805859416 , 2007 , Mark D. Nelson, Thomas E. Harris (Ph. D.)