Søk: 'Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++'
Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures
ISBN 9780136078586 , 2009 , John Lewis, Joseph Chase
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java with CDROM
ISBN 9780471193081 , 1998
Introduction to Data Mining
ISBN 9781292026152 , 2013 , Pang-Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar
Algorithms in C++: Fundamentals, data structures, sorting, searching
ISBN 9780201350883 , 1998
A Practical Approach to Data Structures and Algorithms
ISBN 9781906574048 , 2009 , Sanjay Pahuja
Starting out with C++: from control structures starting out with c++*
ISBN 9780321409393 , 2007 , Tony Gaddis
A Practical Approach to Data Structures and Algorithms
ISBN 9788122420678 , 2007 , Sanjay Pahuja
Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques
ISBN 9780631232704 , 2003 , Peter Ladefoged
Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques
ISBN 9780631232698 , 2003 , Peter Ladefoged
An Introduction to Geological Structures and Maps
ISBN 9781444112122 , 2011 , George Mills Bennison, Paul A. Olver, Dr.,m.fl.
Multivariate Data Analysis: With Readings
ISBN 9780138948580 , 1998 , William Black, Rolph Anderson, Ronald L. Tatham,m.fl.
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors
ISBN 9780132923729 , 2012 , Frank M. Carrano
Introduction to Data Mining
ISBN 9780321420527 , 2006 , Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar
Causal Analysis with Panel Data
ISBN 9780803938960 , 1995 , Steven Eric Finkel
Java Software Structures: Designing & Using Data Structures
ISBN 9780321312754 , 2005 , John Lewis, Joseph Chase
Introduction to Data Compression
ISBN 9780126208627 , 2006 , Khalid Sayood
Data Structures Using Java
ISBN 9780130477217 , 2003 , Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein,m.fl.
Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
ISBN 9780273759836 , 2011 , Tony Gaddis
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java
ISBN 9780321546227 , 2008 , Mark Allen Weiss
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
ISBN 9780471738848 , 2005
Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples
ISBN 9780471383659 , 2001
Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
ISBN 9780321549372 , 2008 , Tony Gaddis
Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel
ISBN 9780534411046 , 2003 , S.Christian Albright, Christopher J. Zappe,m.fl.
Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel
ISBN 9780534411138 , 2003 , S.Christian Albright, Christopher J. Zappe,m.fl.
Introduction to Data Compression
ISBN 9781558605589 , 2000 , Khalid Sayood
Real Analysis: With an Introduction to Wavelets and Applications
ISBN 9780123548610 , 2004 , Don Hong, Jianzhong Wang, Robert B. Gardner
Data Entry and Validation with C# and VB.NET Windows Forms
ISBN 9781590591086 , 2003 , Nick Symmonds
Introduction to Causal Analysis. Exploring Survey Data by Crosstabulation
ISBN 9788200026587 , 1988 , Ottar Hellevik
Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
ISBN 9780132576253 , 2011 , Tony Gaddis
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java
ISBN 9780321312556 , 2006 , Mark Allen Weiss