Søk: 'Linux server- og utviklingsmiljø'
Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook
ISBN 9780131480056 , 2005 , Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Ben Whaley,m.fl.
Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux
ISBN 9780132542487 , 2010 , Mark G. Sobell
Linux 2 i 1
ISBN 9788277722573 , 2003 , David Elboth
Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation - Volume II. Security and Server Programs
ISBN 9781596821927 , 2010 , The Apache Software Foundation
Linux: Your Visual Blueprint to the Linux Platform [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780764534812 , 2000 , Ruth Maran, Michael Bellomo
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell
ISBN 9780596100797 , 2007 , Greg Kroah-Hartman
Windows Server 2003 Bible
ISBN 9780764549373 , 2003 , Brian Patterson, Jim Boyce, Jeffrey R. Shapiro,m.fl.
Mastering Windows Server 2003
ISBN 9780782141306 , 2003 , Lisa Justice, C. A. Callahan
Client/Server Survival Guide
ISBN 9780471316152 , 1999
Linux in a Windows World
ISBN 9780596007584 , 2005 , Roderick W. Smith
Windows NT 4.0 server
ISBN 9788205260481 , 1999 , Hans Olav Bøe, Thor Johan Christensen
Windows NT 4.0 server
ISBN 9788205260498 , 1999 , Hans Olav Bøe, Thor Johan Christensen
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-646): Windows Server 2008 Server Administrator [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780735649095 , 2011
Linux and the UNIX Philosophy
ISBN 9781555582739 , 2003 , Mike Gancarz
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux
ISBN 9780137003884 , 2009 , Mark G. Sobell
The Linux Command Line: a Complete Introduction
ISBN 9781593273897 , 2012
A practical guide to Red Hat Linux: Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
ISBN 9780132280273 , 2007 , Mark G. Sobell
Windows server 2003 security bible
ISBN 9780764549120 , 2003 , Blair Rampling
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
Red Hat Linux 7.1 secrets
ISBN 9780764547713 , 2001 , Nabajyoti Barkakati
Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, A
ISBN 9780132360395 , 2008 , Mark G. Sobell
Beginning SQL server 2000 programming
ISBN 9781861005236 , 2001 , Robin Dewson
Mastering Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
ISBN 9780470532867 , 2010
A practical guide to Linux
ISBN 9780201895490 , 1997 , Mark G. Sobell
SQL Server 2008 Administration Instant Reference
ISBN 9780470496602 , 2009 , Michael Lee, Mike Mansfield
Professional SQL Server 2000 XML
ISBN 9781861005465 , 2001 , Paul J. Burke
Windows 2000 server for dummies
ISBN 9780764503412 , 1999 , Ed Tittel, James Michael Stewart, Mary T. Madden
Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming
ISBN 9781861004482 , 2000 , Rob Vieira
Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005
ISBN 9780596102159 , 2006 , Sikha Saha Bagui, Richard Walsh Earp
MT-Administrator for server CD
ISBN 9788205263567 , 1998