Søk: 'Location and Competition'
Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment
ISBN 9780714641515 , 1995 , Lars Erik Andreasen, Benjamin Coriat,m.fl.
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition
ISBN 9780070171503 , 2009 , Donald A. Ball
The Other Invisible Hand: Delivering Public Services through Choice and Competition
ISBN 9780691129365 , 2007 , Julian Le Grand
Cases in European Competition Policy: The Economic Analysis
ISBN 9780521713504 , 2009 , Bruce Lyons
Motor Racing: A Century of Competition and Human Challenges
ISBN 9780785812982 , 2001 , Enzo Rizzo, Giuseppe Guzzardi
The Politics of English: Conflict, Competition, Co-existence
ISBN 9780415674249 , 2012 , Ann Hewings, Caroline Tagg
The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect
ISBN 9780521819916 , 2001 , Steven Brakman, Ben J. Heijdra
Centres of Learning: Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East
ISBN 9789004101937 , 1995 , Alasdair A. MacDonald,m.fl.
The Competition Policy in the European Union
ISBN 9780230006751 , 2008 , Michelle Cini, Lee McGowan
International business: the challenge of global competition
ISBN 9780073105765 , 2005 , Ball
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition
ISBN 9780071100892 , 2007 , Wendell H. McCulloch, Michael Geringer,m.fl.
Reality Check: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition
ISBN 9781591842231 , 2009 , Guy Kawasaki
Personal Competition; Its Place in the Social Order and Effect Upon Individuals
ISBN 9781103040513 , 2009 , Charles Horton Cooley
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition
ISBN 9780071115360 , 2005 , Ball
Remembering to Breathe: Inside Dog Obedience Competition
ISBN 9780741418609 , 2003 , Willard Bailey
No Contest: The Case Against Competition
ISBN 9780395631256 , 1992 , Alfie Kohn
Co-opetition: A Revolutionary Mindset that Combines Competition and Cooperation
ISBN 9781861975072 , 1997
A micro-level study of road infrastructure improvements and manufacturing plant location in Spain
ISBN 9781874247388 , 2001 , Adelheid Holl
Flexible Automation in Developing Countries: The impact on scale and scope and the implications for location of production
ISBN 9780203193525 , 2004 , Ludovico Alcorta
Competition and cooperation in Taiwan's information technology industry: inter-firm networks and industrial upgrading
ISBN 9781567204377 , 2002 , Teresa Shuk-Ching Poon
A Mathematical Treatment of Economic Cooperation and Competition Among Nations: CD-ROM
ISBN 9780444518590 , 2005 , Ethelbert N. Chukwu
Ethnic Groups in Motion: Economic Competition and Migration in Multi-Ethnic States
ISBN 9780714652313 , 2002 , Milica Zarkovic Bookman
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant
ISBN 9781591396192 , 2005 , Renée Mauborgne, Kim W. Chan
Who Owns the Media?: Competition and Concentration in the Mass Media Industry
ISBN 9780805829365 , 2000 , Douglas Gomery, Benjamin M. Compaine
The International Environment of Business: Competition and Governance in the Global Economy
ISBN 9780195116410 , 1998 , Gerald M. Meier
Flexible Automation in Developing Countries: The Impact on Scale and Scope and the Implications for Location of Production
ISBN 9780415191531 , 1998 , Ludovico Alcorta
Who owns the media?: competition and concentration in the mass media industry
ISBN 9780805829358 , 2000 , Douglas Gomery, Benjamin M. Compaine
Home, Maison, Casa: The Politics of Location in Works by Jean Rhys, Marguerite Duras, and Erminia Dell'Oro
ISBN 9780838639610 , 2003 , Erica L. Johnson
Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy
ISBN 9780262580878 , 1987 , Paul R. Krugman
The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value With Customers
ISBN 9781578519538 , 2004 , Coimbatore K. Prahalad, Dr. Venkatram Ramaswamy