Søk: 'Macrohistory: Essays in The Sociology of The Long Run'
The long dark tea-time of the soul
ISBN 9780330309554 , 1997 , Douglas Adams
The Sociology of the Family: A Reader
ISBN 9780631202684 , 1999 , Graham A. Allan
The Legacy of Socrates: Essays in Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780231138444 , 2006 , James Rachels, Stuart Rachels
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
The Sociology of Religion: A Critical Agenda
ISBN 9781849205870 , 2013 , Grace Davie
Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology
ISBN 9780199228218 , 2009 , Gary Hatfield
Essays on the Nature of Commerce in General
ISBN 9780765804990 , 2001 , Richard Cantillon
The Sociology of Health and Illness
ISBN 9780745628288 , 2006 , Sarah Nettleton
The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge
ISBN 9780140135480 , 1991 , Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann
Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present : essays
ISBN 9781900039819 , 2007 , James Dunkerley
The Sociology of Religion: A Critical Agenda
ISBN 9781849205863 , 2013 , Grace Davie
The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology
ISBN 9780879678869 , 1991 , Richard Lachmann
A Sociology of the Chiropractic
ISBN 9780889461307 , 1989 , Saul F. Rosenthal
The Economics and Sociology of Management Consulting
ISBN 9780521142243 , 2010 , Thomas Armbrüster
African Sociology Towards a Critical Perspective: The Selected Essays of Bernard Makhosezwe Magubane
ISBN 9780865436619 , 2000 , Bernard M. Magubane
Philosophy in History: Essays in the Historiography of Philosophy
ISBN 9780521273305 , 1984 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner, Lorraine Daston,m.fl.
The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility
ISBN 9780465007806 , 2000 , Stewart Brand
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
ISBN 9780859652773 , 1998 , Neil Strauss, Marilyn Manson
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
ISBN 9781401309664 , 2008 , Chris Anderson
The long ships: a saga of the viking age
ISBN 9780006126096 , 1997 , Frans G. Bengtsson
Contexts of Kinship: An Essay in the Family Sociology of the Gonja of Northern Ghana
ISBN 9780521017206 , 2005 , Esther N. Goody, Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach,m.fl.
The Economics and Sociology of Management Consulting
ISBN 9780521857154 , 2006 , Thomas Armbruster
Essays on the Quality of Life
ISBN 9789048163045 , 2010 , A.C. Michalos
The Sociology of Health and Health Care in Israel
ISBN 9780887388248 , 1990 , A. Antonovsky, Ernest Krausz,m.fl.
The Sociology of health and health care in Israel
ISBN 9780887383083 , 1990 , Aaron Antonovsky, Ernest Krausz
The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Edition
ISBN 9780691121260 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Neil J. Smelser, Richard Swedberg
The Penguin dictionary of sociology [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780141013756 , 2006 , Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill
Education and Society: Issues and Explanations in the Sociology of Education
ISBN 9780745617091 , 2004 , Rob Moore
Home Run
ISBN 9780552147330 , 1999 , Gerald Seymour
The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries
ISBN 9783110119404 , 1991 , Pierre Bourdieu, Richard Nice,m.fl.