Søk: 'Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics'
Chartered Accountants of Certified Accountants Managerial Economics
ISBN 9781851791750 , 1990 , Financial Training Group
WIE Economics of Strategy, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780471448976 , 2004 , 3. utgave , David Dranove, David A Besanko, Mark T. Shanley
Strategies and Tactics of Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780805858822 , 2008
Economics of Strategy, 5th Edition International Student Version
ISBN 9780470484838 , 2009 , 5. utgave , David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley,m.fl.
Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics: International Edition
ISBN 9780205099160 , 2011 , Dennis L. Wilcox, Glen T. Cameron
Telecommunication Network Economics: From Theory to Applications
ISBN 9781107032750 , 2014 , Patrick Maillé, Bruno Tuffin
ISBN 9781408082676 , 2014 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Offensive Soccer Tactics
ISBN 9780736003094 , 2004 , Jens Bangsbo, Birger Peitersen
Arms, Economics and British Strategy: From Dreadnoughts to Hydrogen Bombs
ISBN 9780521867481 , 2007 , George C. Peden, Hew Strachan, Geoffrey Wawro
Defensive soccer tactics
ISBN 9780736032728 , 2002 , Jens Bangsbo, Birger Petter, Birger Peitersen
Studyguide for Managerial Economics by Thomas, ISBN 9780072871746: 0072871741
ISBN 9781428812468 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Managerial Statistics
ISBN 9781111534639 , 2011 , Gerald Keller
Ecology: Concepts and Applications: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071317894 , 2012 , Manuel C Molles
Managerial Statistics
ISBN 9781408009284 , 2008 , Gerald Keller
Economics: And Economics Workbook
ISBN 9780077123826 , 2008 , Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, David Begg
Winning Chess Tactics
ISBN 9780735609174 , 1999 , Yasser Seirawan
Managerial Statistics
ISBN 9781111534288 , 2011 , Gerald Keller
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning
ISBN 9780273740933 , 2011 , Graham J. Hooley, Nigel F. Piercy
Engineering Design Methods: Strategies and Tactics
ISBN 9780471312482 , 1999 , Nigel Cross
ISBN 9780077154516 , 2014 , Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, David Begg
An Overview of Managerial Economics in the Health Care System
ISBN 9780766815285 , 2001 , Shahram Heshmat
Managerial Decision Modeling
ISBN 9780538478731 , 2011
Managerial Statistics
ISBN 9780324314465 , 2005
Contemporary Security and Strategy
ISBN 9780230241503 , 2011 , Craig A. Snyder
Strategy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781849201520 , 2011 , Martin Kornberger, Chris Carter,m.fl.
Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applications with Cases Set
ISBN 9780470257661 , 2011 , Robert M. Grant
Fundamentals of Strategy with MyStrategyLab and the Strategy Experience Simulation
ISBN 9780273757337 , 2011 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
ISBN 9780077103675 , 2002 , Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, David Begg
Economics of Strategy: With Business Extra Password Card
ISBN 9780471438458 , 2001 , David Besanko
Project Management: The Managerial Process
ISBN 9781259010705 , 2014 , Erik W. Larson, Gray