Søk: 'Market Society: Markets and Modern Social Theory'
Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society
ISBN 9781847873842 , 2009 , Mitchell Dean
Technology and Society: Social Networks, Work, and Inequality
ISBN 9780195437836 , 2012 , Anabel Quan-Haase
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412992770 , 2013
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415447997 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780761970705 , 2005 , David Holmes
Communication theory: media, technology and society
ISBN 9780761970699 , 2005 , David Holmes
Religion and Social Theory
ISBN 9780803985698 , 1991
ISBN 9780077108625 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Public Relations and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415997850 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies
ISBN 9780415416740 , 2007 , Stephan Stetter
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415448000 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
Micro Markets: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470602836 , 2010
Micro Markets: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470602850 , 2010
Understanding European Trade Unionism: Between Market, Class and Society
ISBN 9780761952213 , 2001 , Richard Hyman
Early Modern European Society
ISBN 9780415158657 , 1999 , Henry Kamen
The Body and Social Theory
ISBN 9780761942849 , 2003 , Chris Shilling
Understanding European trade unionism: between market, class and society
ISBN 9780761952206 , 2001 , Richard Hyman
Micro Markets: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470447659 , 2010
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives
ISBN 9780199640379 , 2012 , Mary Jo Hatch
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944492 , 2006 , Derek Layder
Social Theory: Roots and Branches : Readings
ISBN 9780195332438 , 2008
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944508 , 2005 , Derek Layder
Modern Britain: developments in contemporary British society
ISBN 9788202350611 , 2012 , Jan Erik Mustad, Ulla Rahbek, Ole Vadmand,m.fl.
Situating Social Theory
ISBN 9780335210787 , 2008 , Tim May, Jason L. Powell
Society and economy: models of social man
ISBN 9788256014491 , 2004 , Per Otnes
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470608968 , 2010
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
ISBN 9780470608982 , 2010
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
ISBN 9780470050828 , 2006 , Stephen J. Brown, Edwin J. Elton,m.fl.
Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
ISBN 9781845206796 , 2008 , Alexander Nützenadel, Frank Trentmann
Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
ISBN 9781845206789 , 2008 , Alexander Nützenadel, Frank Trentmann