Søk: 'Marx After Marxism: The Philosophy of Karl Marx'
Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production Vol. I
ISBN 9781113129314 , 2009 , Marx Karl
Kapitalen: Kapitalens produksjonsprosess / overs. fra tysk av Erling Kielland og Stein Rafoss. Bok 1. Bind 1
ISBN 9788249503506 , 2005 , Karl Marx
Fra Marx til Quisling: fem sosialisters vei til NS
ISBN 9788258802584 , 1983 , Øystein Sørensen
Classical Social Theory: An Introduction to the Thought of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Simmel
ISBN 9780198781172 , 1997
Kapitalen. Første bok. Bd. 1-2
ISBN 9788270947652 , 1998 , Karl Marx
Fra Marx til Løgstrup: om etikk og sanselighet i sykepleien
ISBN 9788215002156 , 2003 , Kari Martinsen
Verker i utvalg: Skrifter om den materialistiske historieoppfatning / innledning av Jon Elster
ISBN 9788253002590 , 1981 , Karl Marx
A History of Modern Political Thought: Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx
ISBN 9781557861474 , 1993 , Iain Hampsher-Monk
The Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9780199795147 , 2013 , David Sosa
The Elements of Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9781259007880 , 2012 , James Rachels, Stuart Rachels
Læring: aktuel læringsteori i spændingsfeltet mellem Piaget, Freud og Marx
ISBN 9788778670984 , 2000 , Knud Illeris
After the Death of God
ISBN 9780231141253 , 2009 , Gianni Vattimo, Jeffrey W. Robbins
The philosophy of language
ISBN 9780195188301 , 2008 , Aloysius Martinich
The Elements of Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780078038242 , 2012 , James Rachels, Stuart Rachels
Læring; aktuell læringsteori i spændingsfeltet mellem Piaget, Freud og Marx
ISBN 9788241712159 , 2000 , Knud Illeris
The Rise of Modern Philosophy
ISBN 9780198752769 , 2008 , Anthony Kenny
The Philosophy of Mind
ISBN 9780813342702 , 2005 , Jaegwon Kim
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy: The Process of Capitalist Production As a Whole
ISBN 9781605200095 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - Vol. II: The Process of Circulation of Capital
ISBN 9781605200088 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - Vol. I-Part II: The Process of Capitalist Production
ISBN 9781605200125 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Karl Marx's Theory of Ideas
ISBN 9780521066723 , 2008 , John Torrance
Pædagogik i sociologisk perspektiv: En præsentation af Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, Émile Durkheim, Michel Foucault, Niklas Luhmann, Pierre Bourdieu, Jurgen Habermas, Thomas Ziehe, Anthony Giddens
ISBN 9788790833572 , 2010 , Søren Gytz Olesen, Peter Møller Pedersen
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
ISBN 9781605200149 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
ISBN 9780199541430 , 2008 , Simon Blackburn
The Philosophy of Education: An Introduction
ISBN 9781847060198 , 2010 , Richard Bailey
Africa after modernism: transitions in literature, media, and philosophy
ISBN 9780415957236 , 2007 , Michael Janis
Capital: An Abridged Edition
ISBN 9780199535705 , 2008 , Karl Marx, David McLellan
Pædagogik i sociologisk perspektiv: En præsentation af Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, Émile Durkheim, Michel Foucault, Niklas Luhmann, Pierre Bourdieu, Jurgen Habermas, Thomas Ziehe, Anthony Giddens
ISBN 9788790833206 , 2010 , Søren Gytz Olesen
The Philosophy of the Language
ISBN 9780195135435 , 2001 , A. P. Martinich
The Communist Manifesto
ISBN 9780141018935 , 2004 , Friedrich Engels, Marx Karl