Gyldendals tyske sanger 2: CD 1+2
ISBN 9788205304628 , 2002
Caminando 1: CD 1-2
ISBN 9788205347830 , 2006 , Ninni Westerman, Märet Wik-Bretz,m.fl.
Student Animations CD, Vers 2
ISBN 9780131441996 , 2004 , Robert W. Christopherson
España nuevo siglo
ISBN 9780748714674 , 1997 , Juan Kattan-Ibarra, Tim Connell
Mundos 2: lærer-cd
ISBN 9788203329968 , 2003 , Bodil Hellstrøm Groth, Sverre Aass, Diana Alnæs,m.fl.
Prospects; teacher's CD 1-2
ISBN 9788203330254 , 2003 , Eva Haugum, Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen,m.fl.
Economics: And Economics Workbook
ISBN 9780077123826 , 2008 , Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, David Begg
Caminos 2; CD til arbeidsbok
ISBN 9788205313330 , 2002
ISBN 9781408057469 , 6. utgave
Workshop: CD 1-2 engelsk vg2
ISBN 9788205373365 , 2007 , Jeanne Lindsay Skanke, Janniche Langseth,m.fl.
Bridges 2: CD 1 til arbeidsbok
ISBN 9788205313224 , 2010
BackPacker 2. Braathens CD-ROM
ISBN 9788257311087 , 1999 , 1. utgave
Alles klappt! 2: elev-CD
ISBN 9788203141393 , 1999 , Karen Dollerup, Birgit Ketzler, Lotte Nielsen,m.fl.
Siemens bundlepak 2. CD-ROM
ISBN 9788257311865 , 1999 , 1. utgave
Violin Star 2, Student's Book, with CD
ISBN 9781860969003 , 2011 , Edward Huws Jones
Images 2; CD 1-6
ISBN 9788205258853 , 1998 , Gunnar Moen, Marit Gjesdal
Anatomy and Physiology Workbook
ISBN 9780955901126 , 2010 , Ruth Hull, Greta Couldridge
Lieber Deutsch 2: CD 1-3
ISBN 9788205370777 , 2007 , Camilla Bjørke, Kari Handeland, Marianne Lysaker,m.fl.
Workshop: CD 1-2 engelsk vg2
ISBN 9788205373426 , 2007 , Jeanne Lindsay Skanke, Janniche Langseth,m.fl.
Computer Confluence: Book. [2] CD-ROM
ISBN 9780131968769 , 2006 , George Beekman, Michael Quinn
Workshop: CD 1-2 engelsk vg1
ISBN 9788205354401 , 2006 , Jeanne Lindsay Skanke, Janniche Langseth,m.fl.
Workshop: CD 1-2 engelsk vg1
ISBN 9788205354395 , 2006 , Jeanne Lindsay Skanke, Janniche Langseth,m.fl.
Bridges 2: CD 1 til lærebok
ISBN 9788205313200 , 2013
Cisco Networking Academy Program: CCNA 1 and 2 Engineering Journal and Workbook
ISBN 9781587131516 , 2004 , Cisco Systems, Inc
Norsk for utlendinger 2: med CD
ISBN 9788205305663 , 2002 , Ragna Handrum, Åse-Berit Strandskogen,m.fl.
Norsk for utlendinger 1: CD 1-2
ISBN 9788205312593 , 2012 , Åse-Berit Strandskogen, Rolf Strandskogen
Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Engineering Journal and Workbook
ISBN 9781587131127 , 2003 , am, Cisco Networking Academy Program,m.fl.
Rettslære 2; ressurshefte med CD
ISBN 9788205311893 , 2003 , Thor Rasmus Bjerknes, Svein Børre Lyngdal,m.fl.
New perspectives; teacher's cd 1-2
ISBN 9788203330148 , 2003 , Eva Haugum, Hilde Hasselgård, Kristin Årskaug,m.fl.
Gyldendals engelske sanger: CD 1+2
ISBN 9788205286924 , 2001