Søk: 'Natural Language Processing with Python'
Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Iterdisciplinary Perspectives
ISBN 9789027216458 , 2000 , Birgitta Englund Dimitrova
Learning Python
ISBN 9781449355739 , 2013 , Mark Lutz
Programming Python
ISBN 9780596158101 , 2011 , Mark Lutz
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
ISBN 9780080526867 , 1995 , Philip A. Allen, P.A. Allen
Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Language Querying
ISBN 9780521602747 , 2004 , James Clifford, C. J. Van Rijsbergen, S. Abramsky,m.fl.
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
ISBN 9780444817662 , 1995 , Philip A. Allen
Advances in speech, hearing, and language processing
ISBN 9781559383004 , 1992 , W.A. Ainsworth
Learning Python
ISBN 9780596513986 , 2007 , Mark Lutz
Developmental Psycholinguistics: On-Line Methods in Children's Language Processing
ISBN 9789027253040 , 2008 , Eva M. Fernandez, Harald Clahsen,m.fl.
Intelligent Chinese Language Pattern and Speech Processing
ISBN 9789971506254 , 1988 , P.S.P. Wang
Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing
ISBN 9780792344636 , 1997 , Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft, ELSNET.
Developmental Psycholinguistics: On-Line Methods in Children's Language Processing
ISBN 9789027253057 , 2008 , Irena A. Sekerina, Eva M. Fernandez,m.fl.
Ball Python
ISBN 9780764111242 , 2000 , Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia Pope Bartlett
Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal Processing
ISBN 9780273752288 , 2011 , Henry Stark, John W. Woods
Python Pocket Reference
ISBN 9780596158088 , 2009 , Mark Lutz
Expert Python Programming
ISBN 9781847194947 , 2008 , Tarek Ziade
Python For Dummies
ISBN 9780471778646 , 2006 , Stef Maruch, Aahz Maruch
Python: Essential Reference
ISBN 9780672328626 , 2006 , David M. Beazley
Neurolinguistics: An Introduction to Spoken Language Processing and its Disorders
ISBN 9780521796408 , 2007 , P. Austin, J. Bresnan, B. Comrie, S. Crain,m.fl.
Learning Python, 4/E (Covers Python 2.6 & 3.X)
ISBN 9788184048261 , 2011 , 4. utgave , Mark Lutz
Professional Python Frameworks: Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears
ISBN 9780470133941 , 2007 , Dan Rahmel, Dana Moore, Raymond Budd,m.fl.
Student manual for digital signal processing with MATLAB
ISBN 9780131991088 , 2006 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle
Analysis, Perception and Processing of Spoken Language: Fujisaki's Festchrift
ISBN 9780444817778 , 1997 , K. Hirose
Children with Specific Language Impairment
ISBN 9780262621366 , 2000 , Laurence B. Leonard
Core PYTHON Programming
ISBN 9780132269933 , 2006 , Wesley J. Chun
Learning Python 2e
ISBN 9780596002817 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Mark Lutz, David Ascher
Ball Python Manual
ISBN 9781882770724 , 2004 , Philippe De Vosjoli
Digital Image Processing
ISBN 9780132345637 , 2007 , Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods
Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780132843003 , 2011 , 9. utgave , Tom Tietenberg, Lynne Lewis
Python Essential Reference.
ISBN 9780735710917 , 2001 , David M. Beazley