Søk: 'New Modes of Local Political Organizing'
Organizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change And Intervention in Public Sector Organizations
ISBN 9781586035785 , 2006 , Marcel Veenswijk
Development and Local Knowledge
ISBN 9780415511162 , 2011 , Alan Bicker, Johan Pottier, Paul Stillitoe
Actor-Network Theory and Organizing
ISBN 9788763001441 , 2005 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges, Tor Hernes
Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity
ISBN 9781420090147 , 2012 , Jan Froestad, Clifford D. Shearing
Maestri of Political Science
ISBN 9781907301193 , 2011 , Donatella Campus, Gianfranco Pasquino,m.fl.
Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9781442217768 , 2012 , Robert F. Arnove, Stephen Franz
Global pop, local language
ISBN 9781578065363 , 2003 , Harris M. Berger, Michael Thomas Carroll
Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global Perspectives
ISBN 9789048144105 , 2012 , Werner Stumm, Giovanni Bidoglio
The challenge of fundamentalism : political Islam and the new world disorder
ISBN 9780520236905 , 2002 , Bassam Tibi
Youth, Otherness and the Plural City: Modes of Belonging and Social Life
ISBN 9789171732347 , 2005 , Mette Andersson, Yngve Georg Lithman,m.fl.
Institutional Theory in Political Science: The New Institutionalism
ISBN 9780826452764 , 1999 , Prof B Guy Peters
New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance
ISBN 9780230340701 , 2012 , Håvard Haarstad
Political Economy: Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780195575019 , 2011 , 3. utgave
The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights: The New Enclosures?
ISBN 9780415229043 , 2000 , Christopher May
Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780745652368 , 2013 , Adam Swift
The Political System of the European Union
ISBN 9780230249820 , 2011 , Simon Hix
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199666010 , 2014 , John Ravenhill
Organizing Identity: Persons and Organizations After Theory
ISBN 9781412900126 , 2007 , Paul Du Gay
Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open Systems
ISBN 9780132329026 , 2006 , W. Richard Scott, Ann Arbor),m.fl.
The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
ISBN 9780199566013 , 2009 , Hans-Dieter Klingemann
Governance Assessments for Local Stakeholders
ISBN 9780850038620 , 2008 , Goran Hyden, Kenneth Mease, Marta Foresti,m.fl.
A History of Medieval Political Thought: 300 - 1450 ; [now with a New Introduction]
ISBN 9780415394154 , 2005 , Joseph Canning
Community Organizing and Community Building for Health
ISBN 9780813534749 , 2005
Biodiversity Conservation and Local People's Development Aspirations: New Priorities for the 1990s
ISBN 9780850033250 , 1995
Organizing Identity: Persons and Organizations after theory
ISBN 9781412900119 , 2007 , Paul Du Gay
Changing organizations: business networks in the new political economy
ISBN 9780813334530 , 2000 , David Knoke
A Philosophy of Political Myth
ISBN 9780521876551 , 2007 , Chiara Bottici
Global Political Economy: The study of Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199265848 , 2005 , John Ravenhill
A New Anthropology of Islam
ISBN 9780521529785 , 2012 , John R. Bowen
Political Geography
ISBN 9781412901383 , 2009 , Joe Painter, Alex Jeffrey