Søk: 'Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece'
History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval: Earliest Man, the Orient, Greece and Rome
ISBN 9781143573095 , 2010 , James Harvey Robinson, James Henry Breasted
The Origins of Agriculture in Europe
ISBN 9780415208079 , 1996 , I. J. Thorpe
A Handbook of Greek Art/a Survey of the Visual Arts of Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780714824963 , 1993 , Gisela M.A. Richter
ISBN 9783832790028 , 2004 , Dimitris Angelis, Raine Kiedrowski
ISBN 9781740594707 , 2004 , David Willett, Des Hannigan, Carolyn Bain,m.fl.
Ancient Judasim and Christian Origins: Diversity, Continuity, and Transformation
ISBN 9780800636128 , 2003 , George W. E. Nickelsburg
Models of Democracy
ISBN 9780745631479 , 2006 , David Held
A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy
ISBN 9780691142005 , 2009 , Jonathan Israel
A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy
ISBN 9781400831609 , 2009 , Jonathan Israel
Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord and peasant in the making of the modern world
ISBN 9780807050736 , 1993 , Barrington Moore
Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
ISBN 9780226067186 , 2004 , Jean Bottero, Teresa Lavender Fagan
Country Houses of Greece
ISBN 9783822858691 , 2002 , Angelika Taschen, Barbara Stoeltie,m.fl.
Origins of Human Communication
ISBN 9780262515207 , 2010 , Michael Tomasello
Models of Democracy
ISBN 9780745631462 , 2006 , David Held
The Origins of the Second World War in Europe
ISBN 9781405840286 , 2007 , Philip Michael Hett Bell, P. M. H. Bell
Models of Democracy
ISBN 9780804754729 , 2006 , David Held
An Archaeology of Greece
ISBN 9780520078925 , 1992 , Anthony M. Snodgrass
New Patterns of Democracy in India
ISBN 9781583484098 , 1999
Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
ISBN 9781137299864 , 2013 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Jorg Matthes, Sandra Lavenex,m.fl.
Ancient Music in the Pines
ISBN 9780880500036 , Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Ancient Myths in Modern Poets
ISBN 9781459031890 , 2012 , Helen Archibald Clarke
Ancient Myths in Modern Poets
ISBN 9781113619525 , 2009 , Helen Archibald Clarke
Models of Democracy
ISBN 9780804754712 , 2006 , David Held
Democracy in Classical Athens
ISBN 9781853995354 , 2000 , Christopher Carey
Rhetorics of Nordic Democracy
ISBN 9789522222282 , 2010
The Origins of Virtue
ISBN 9780140244045 , 1997 , Matt Ridley
ISBN 9789624212358 , 1998 , John Chapple
African Democracy in the Era of Globalisation
ISBN 9781868143313 , 1999 , Jonathan Hyslop
Good Education in an Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
ISBN 9781594517914 , 2011 , Gert J. J. Biesta
Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
ISBN 9781781681169 , 2013 , Timothy Mitchell