Søk: 'Religion and Economics: Normative Social Theory'
Public Relations and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415997850 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
ISBN 9780393114430 , 2009 , Edwin Mansfield
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications and Cases
ISBN 9780393114676 , 2009 , Allen, Edwin Mansfield
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415448000 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
The Body and Social Theory
ISBN 9780761942849 , 2003 , Chris Shilling
International Economics: Theory & Policy: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273754206 , 2011 , Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
ISBN 9780393927504 , 2005 , 6. utgave , Edwin Mansfield
International Economics: Theory & Policy
ISBN 9780132146654 , 2010 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534505721 , 1997 , Meredith B. McGuire
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212881 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944492 , 2006 , Derek Layder
International Economics: Theory & Policy
ISBN 9780321461834 , 2006 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
Social Theory: Roots and Branches : Readings
ISBN 9780195332438 , 2008
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944508 , 2005 , Derek Layder
Situating Social Theory
ISBN 9780335210787 , 2008 , Tim May, Jason L. Powell
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212874 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
The Economics of Social Problems
ISBN 9780230553002 , 2008 , Sarah Smith, Carol Propper
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534169688 , 1991 , Meredith B. McGuire
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534072421 , 1986 , Meredith B. McGuire
Social Theory: Twenty Introductory Lectures
ISBN 9780521690881 , 2009 , Alex Skinner, Hans Joas, Wolfgang Knobl
Economics of Social Issues
ISBN 9780071215329 , 2002 , Ansel M. Sharp, Charles A. Register,m.fl.
Valuepack:Organizational Theory, Design and Change Business Economics
ISBN 9781405893121 , 2007 , Brian Atkinson, Gareth R. Jones, Robin Miller
Social Theory and Modern Sociology
ISBN 9780804713566 , 1987 , Anthony Giddens
Social Work: Critical Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761972518 , 2002 , Jan Fook
Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics
ISBN 9780631215684 , 2001 , Noel Castree, Bruce Braun
Political Power and Social Theory
ISBN 9780892322046 , 1982 , Gosta Esping- Andersen
Modern Social Work Theory
ISBN 9781403918369 , 2005 , Malcolm Payne
Public relations and social theory: key figures and concepts
ISBN 9780415997867 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Social theory: roots and branches : readings
ISBN 9781891487965 , 2003
Study Guide for International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780138019242 , 2011 , Michael Klein, Linda Goldberg, Jay Shambaugh,m.fl.