Søk: 'Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel'
Sustainable Tourism: theory and practice
ISBN 9780750664387 , 2005 , David B. Weaver
Geography and Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9780789003355 , 1997 , Martin Oppermann
Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations and Encounters
ISBN 9780415549325 , 2010 , Michael Stausberg
Rethinking Reading Comprehension
ISBN 9781572308923 , 2003 , Catherine E. Snow, Anne Polselli Sweet
Rethinking Media, Religion, and Culture
ISBN 9780761901716 , 1997 , Knut Lundby, Stewart M. Hoover
Rethinking media, religion, and culture
ISBN 9780761901709 , 1997 , Knut Lundby, Stewart M. Hoover
Contemporary Tourism
ISBN 9780750663502 , 2006 , Chris Cooper, C. Michael Hall, Prof
Tourism: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780582286948 , 1995 , Chris Cooper
Event Management and Event Tourism
ISBN 9781882345465 , 2005 , Donald Getz
2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism
ISBN 9781845413019 , 2012 , Ian Yeoman
Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers
ISBN 9780750683753 , 2009 , Mike Weed, Chris J. Bull
2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism
ISBN 9781845413026 , 2012 , Ian Yeoman
Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780335236275 , 2008 , AUSTIN
Rethinking Europe's Future
ISBN 9780691113678 , 2003 , David P. Calleo
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
ISBN 9780132017732 , 2006 , John T. Bowen
Tourism Management, 5th Edition
ISBN 9781118644812 , 2014 , 5. utgave , Laura Lawton, Weaver
Rethinking Development Economics
ISBN 9781843311102 , 2003 , Ha-Joon Chang
Rethinking Public Relations: Pr Propaganda And Democracy
ISBN 9780415370622 , 2006 , Kevin Moloney
Rethinking the Holocaust
ISBN 9780300093001 , 2002 , Yehuda Bauer
Rethinking Development Geographies
ISBN 9780415250788 , 2003 , Marcus Power
Rethinking Development Geographies
ISBN 9780415250795 , 2003 , Marcus Power
Marketing in Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780750644716 , 2001 , Victor T.C. T. C. Middleton, Jackie R. R. Clarke
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
ISBN 9780131200579 , 2003 , Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen
The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
ISBN 9780080890500 , 2011 , John Tribe
Rethinking Multiculturalism: Second Edition
ISBN 9781403944535 , 2005 , 2. utgave
Tourism Management
ISBN 9780470800669 , 2002 , David B. Weaver, Laura Lawton
Cooper: Essentials of Tourism
ISBN 9780273724384 , 2011 , Chris Cooper
Sustainable Tourism
ISBN 9780750623858 , 1998 , Rebecca Hawkins, Victor T. C. Middleton
Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships
ISBN 9780132046527 , 2007 , C. Michael Hall
Rethinking Visual Anthropology
ISBN 9780300078541 , 1999 , Marcus Banks, Howard Morphy