Søk: 'Risk'
Quantitative Risk Assessment: The Scientific Platform
ISBN 9780521760577 , 2011 , Terje Aven
Beyond value at risk: the new science of risk management
ISBN 9780471976226 , 1998
Corporate Decision-Making with Macroeconomic Uncertainty:Performance and Risk Management: Performance and Risk Management
ISBN 9780195335743 , 2008
The Social Amplification of Risk
ISBN 9780521520447 , 2003 , Paul Slovic, Nick F. Pidgeon, Roger E. Kasperson
SAP Treasury and Risk Management
ISBN 9781592291496 , 2008 , J. Lovenich, M. Muller
Risk, Crisis and Security Management
ISBN 9780470867044 , 2005 , Edward Borodzicz
Praktisk enterprise risk management; bok 1
ISBN 9788230002087
Violence Risk: Assessment and Management
ISBN 9780470027509 , 2007 , Christopher D. Webster, Stephen J. Hucker
Uncertainty in risk assessment, risk management, and decision making
ISBN 9780306425578 , 1987 , Vincent T. Covello, Society for Risk Analysis
Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
ISBN 9780195114706 , 2002
Youth, risk, and Russian modernity
ISBN 9781855219151 , 2003 , Christopher Williams,m.fl.
Risk, Uncertainty, and Rational Action
ISBN 9781853837708 , 2001 , Ortwin Renn, Carlo C. Jaeger, Eugene A. Rosa
Economic and Financial Decisions Under Risk
ISBN 9780691122151 , 2005 , Louis Eeckhoudt, Harris Schlesinger
At Risk Internet and Commerce
ISBN 9781855649842 , 2003 , Robert W. Hammesfahr,m.fl.
Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction
ISBN 9781402061011 , 2007 , C. J. van Leeuwen, T. G. Vermeire
Practice Standard for Project Risk Management
ISBN 9781933890388 , 2009 , Project Mangement Institute
Children in the Online World: Risk, Regulation and Rights
ISBN 9781409425502 , 2013 , Elisabeth Staksrud
Financial Institutions Management: a Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9780071289559 , 2010 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
Risk and Resilience in U.S. Military Families
ISBN 9781441970640 , 2010 , Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, David Riggs
Developmental Psychopathology: Risk, disorder, and adaptation
ISBN 9780471237389 , 2006 , Dante Cicchetti, Donald J. Cohen
Risk Management and Financial Institutions, + Web Site, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781118269039 , 2012 , 3. utgave , John Hull
Operational Risk and Resilience: Understanding and Minimising Operational Risk to Secure Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780750643955 , 2000 , David Allen, James Porter, Philip Bloodworth
Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications
ISBN 9783642139253 , 2010 , Terje Aven, Ortwin Renn
Political risk and the multinational company: concepts, theories and evidence
ISBN 9788251928571 , 2012 , Jo Jakobsen
Analyzing and managing banking risk: a framework for assessing corporate governance and financial risk
ISBN 9780821354186 , 2003 , Hennie van Greuning, Sonja Brajovic Bratanovic
Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics
ISBN 9781584883951 , 2003 , Bilal M. Ayyub
Risk Governance: Coping With Uncertainty in a Complex World
ISBN 9781844072927 , 2008 , Ortwin Renn
Imperfect knowledge economics: exchange rates and risk
ISBN 9780691121604 , 2007 , Roman Frydman, Michael D. Goldberg,m.fl.
Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection
ISBN 9781118160954 , 2011 , François-Serge Lhabitant
Ultimate Risk: Sas Contact Al Qaeda
ISBN 9780330413152 , 2004 , Mark Nicol