Søk: 'Savannah Bay'
A time of little choice: the disintegration of tribal culture in the San Francisco Bay area, 1769-1810
ISBN 9780879191320 , 1995 , Randall Milliken, Sylvia Brakke Vane
A Rapid Marine Biodiveristy Assessment of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea--Survey II (2000): Rap Bulletin of Biological Assessment 29
ISBN 9781881173687 , 2003 , Gerald R. Allen, Jeff P. Kinch, Sheila A. McKenna
En stenalderboplads: ideer til historiske værkstedsaktiviteter og tværfagligt arbejde i skolen og friluftslivet
ISBN 9788787902908 , 2003 , Jørgen Bay, Benny Staal, Skoletjenesten
Naturfag: 2-timers-fag
ISBN 9788202144395 , 1994 , Anders Isnes, Terje Kristensen, Tone Bay
Naturfag: 2-timars-fag
ISBN 9788202144418 , 1994 , Anders Isnes, Terje Kristensen, Tone Bay
Pompeii and the Roman Villa: Art and Culture Around the Bay of Naples ; [exhibition Dates: National Gallery of Art, Washington, October 19, 2008 – March 22, 2009 ; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, May 3 – October 4, 2009]
ISBN 9780500514368 , 2008 , Mary Beard, Carol C. Mattusch
Jakt på villrein: praktiske råd og vink
ISBN 9788252925692 , 2001 , Jan Thomassen, Lars Arne Bay, Jon Erling Skåtan
Virker velferdsstaten?
ISBN 9788276343403 , 2001 , Ann-Helén Bay, Aksel Hatland, Charlotte Koren,m.fl.