Søk: 'Social Change in Melanesia: Development and History'
Gender Divisions and Social Change
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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
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Culture and Social Change: Social Movements in Québec and Ontario
ISBN 9781895431285 , 1993 , Colin Leys, Marguerite Mendell
Social Development
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The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change
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Fundraising for Social Change
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Climate change adaptation and development : transforming paradigms and practices
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India - social development report 2008: development and displacement
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Social Interaction and Language Development in Blind Children
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History and Social Theory
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Social Divisions: Economic Decline and Social Structural Change
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Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
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From Primitive to Postcolonial in Melanesia and Anthropology
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Politics in Time: History, Institutions, and Social Analysis
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From Primitive to Postcolonial in Melanesia and Anthropology
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Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
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Gender, Christianity and change in Vanuatu: an analysis of social movements in North Ambrym
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Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
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Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
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Action Research: A Methodology for Change and Development
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Action Research: A Methodology For Change and Development
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