Søk: 'Stochastic Frontier Analysis'
Elementary Stochastic Calculus, with Finance in View
ISBN 9789810235437 , 1998
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
ISBN 9781429239899 , 2010 , Daniel C. Harris
European Union and the Deconstruction of the Rhineland Frontier
ISBN 9780521880848 , 2008 , Michael Loriaux
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321818768 , 2011 , Timothy Sauer
Stochastic Finance: An Introduction In Discrete Time 2
ISBN 9783110183467 , 2004 , Hans Föllmer, Alexander Schied
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9781292024004 , 2013 , Robert L. Boylestad
Africa's silk road: China and India's new economic frontier
ISBN 9780821368350 , 2006 , Harry G. Broadman, Gozde Isik
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference
ISBN 9781584885870 , 2006 , Dani Gamerman, Hedibert Freitas Lopes
Determination of Weak Pareto Frontier Solutions Under Probabilistic Constraints
ISBN 9783836456425 , 2008 , Hongjun Ran
An Apache Princess (A Tale of the Indian Frontier)
ISBN 9781428071773 , 2007 , Charles King
An Apache Princess (A Tale of the Indian Frontier)
ISBN 9781428071803 , 2007 , Charles King
Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models
ISBN 9780387401010 , 2004 , Steven E. Shreve
Interactive Decision Maps: Approximation and Visualization of Pareto Frontier
ISBN 9781402076312 , 2004 , Aleksandr Vladimirovich Lotov, V. A. Bushenkov,m.fl.
Advanced Mathematical Tools for Control Engineers: Volume 2: Stochastic Systems
ISBN 9780080446738 , 2009 , Alex Poznyak
ISBN 9780954390884 , 2006 , Dave Beech, Mark Hutchinson, John Timberlake,m.fl.
Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis
ISBN 9780273713289 , 2008 , Knut Sydsaeter, Arne Strom, Peter Hammond,m.fl.
Evolutionary Analysis
ISBN 9780132397896 , 2006 , Scott Freeman, Jon C. Herron
Matrix Analysis
ISBN 9780521548236 , 2012
An introduction to stochastic processes with applications to biology
ISBN 9780130352187 , 2003 , Linda J. S. Allen
A Swamp Full of Dollars: Pipelines and Paramilitaries at Nigeria's Oil Frontier
ISBN 9781848858404 , 2011 , Michael Peel
Discourse Analysis
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Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780745638652 , 2008 , Ian Hutchby, Robin Wooffitt
Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Control: Proceedings Of...
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Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework
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Analysis 1
ISBN 9783540403715 , 2009 , Konrad Kc6nigsberger
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321783677 , 2011 , Timothy Sauer
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance: A New Didactic Approach
ISBN 9783540348375 , 2006 , Dieter Sondermann
Russia's restless frontier: the Chechnya factor in post-Soviet Russia
ISBN 9780870032035 , 2004 , Alekse? Vsevolodovich Malashenko,m.fl.
Russia's restless frontier: the Chechnya factor in post-Soviet Russia
ISBN 9780870032042 , 2004 , Alesksei Malashenko, Dmitri V. Trenin
Whittle's Gait Analysis
ISBN 9780702042652 , 2012 , David Levine, Michael W. Whittle