Søk: 'Technology, Literacy, And the Evolution of Society: Implications of the Work of Jack Goody'
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The Evolution of Group Analysis
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The Evolution of Useful Things
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The Evolution of Life Histories
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The spectre of participation: technology and work in a welfare state
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The Evolution of Economic Thought
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The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste
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The Evolution of International Security Studies
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The discovery of society
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The rise of Homo sapiens: the evolution of modern thinking
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The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radical Remaking of Economics
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The Making of the Economic Society
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The Making of the Economic Society
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Communication Technology and Society: Audience Adoption and Uses of the New Media
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Audit Automation: The Use of Information Technology in the Planning, Controlling and Recording of Audit Work
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The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work
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Report of the Viticultural Work
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Report of the Viticultural Work
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The Sociology of Work: Introduction
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Gendered practices: feminist studies of technology and society
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Society of the Spectacle
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An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology
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The evolution of the trade regime: politics, law, and economics of the GATT and the WTO
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New Capitalism?: The Transformation of Work
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The Complete World Of Human Evolution
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The euro and Britain: implications of moving into the EMU
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