Søk: 'Terror'
Globalisering og individualisering: Krig og terror / overs. av Are Eriksen
ISBN 9788279350637 , 2003 , Are Eriksen, Ulrich Beck
Mass Media, Mass Propaganda: Examining American News in the War on Terror
ISBN 9780739119020 , 2008
Shared Sacrifice: Don't Ask Don't Tell and the Global War on Terror
ISBN 9780595481934 , 2008 , Gary S. Barkley
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Herois
ISBN 9780330492331 , 2002 , Adam Hochschild
Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence
ISBN 9780520240117 , 2003 , Mark Juergensmeyer
Trauma and Recovery: From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
ISBN 9780863584305 , 1994 , Judith Lewis Herman
Det mørke nettet: undertitel på omslag Om høyreekstremisme, kontrajihadisme og terror i Europa
ISBN 9788202370275 , 2011 , Øyvind Strømmen
Terror i Guds navn; hvorfor kristne, jøder og muslimer dreper
ISBN 9788278890738 , 2004 , Arve Torkelsen, Jessica Stern
Unspeakable: Facing Up to Evil in an Age of Genocide and Terror
ISBN 9780060586362 , 2005 , Os Guinness
A violent world: TV news images of Middle Eastern terror and war
ISBN 9780742537989 , 2006 , Nitzan Ben-Shaul
A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror
ISBN 9780805082487 , 2006 , Alfred McCoy
Craig Kennedy-Scientific Detective: Volume 3-The Gold of the Gods & the War Terror
ISBN 9780857060181 , 2010 , Arthur B. Reeve
Craig Kennedy-Scientific Detective: Volume 3-The Gold of the Gods & the War Terror
ISBN 9780857060174 , 2010 , Arthur B. Reeve
Beyond the Trauma Vortex: The Media's Role in Healing Fear, Terror, and Violence
ISBN 9781556434464 , 2003
Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida
ISBN 9780226066646 , 2003 , Jacques Derrida, Jürgen Habermas,m.fl.
Tilgivelse og seier; en ung manns kamp mot morens terror og misbruk
ISBN 9788259025098 , 2001 , Dave Pelzer
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: And Other Tales of Terror
ISBN 9780141439730 , 2003 , Robert Louis Stevenson
Ordenes tavshed: om terror og krig : tale til den russiske Duma Moskva, november 2001
ISBN 9788741224947 , 2003 , Zygmunt Bauman, Tim May, Ulrich Beck
The Impact of 9/11 on Business and Economics: The Business of Terror: The Day that Changed Everything?
ISBN 9780230608375 , 2009 , Matthew J. Morgan, James J. Heckman
Crisis and terror in the Horn of Africa: autopsy of democracy, human rights, and freedom
ISBN 9780754621355 , 2000 , Pietro Toggia, Pat Lauderdale, Abebe Zegeye
Masterminds of terror: the truth behind the most devastating terrorist attack the world has ever seen
ISBN 9781840187243 , 2003 , Yosri Fouda, Nick Fielding, Yusri Fawdah
A Young People's History of the United States, Volume 2: Class Struggle to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781583227602 , 2007 , Howard Zinn, Ph.D., Rebecca Stefoff
People Before Profit: The New Globalization in an Age of Terror, Big Money, and Economic Crisis
ISBN 9780285636637 , 2003 , Charles Derber
The H.P. Lovecraft omnibus 1: at the mountain of madness and other novels of terror
ISBN 9780586063224 , 1997 , H. P. Lovecraft
A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East---From the Cold War to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781400160068 , 2008 , Patrick Tyler, Michael Prichard
A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East---From the Cold War to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781400140060 , 2008 , Patrick Tyler, Michael Prichard
A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East---From the Cold War to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781400110063 , 2008 , Patrick Tyler, Michael Prichard
Også krig er terror: et kritisk oppgjør med det nye NATO, maktpolitikken til USA og Norges rolle som medløper
ISBN 9788299637015 , 2003 , Gunnar Garbo
Også krig er terror: et kritisk oppgjør med det nye NATO, krigene i Afghanistan og Kosovo og Norges egen rolle
ISBN 9788299637008 , 2003 , Gunnar Garbo
Mystery and Suspense Classics: Dracula, The Fall of the House of Usher, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, the Mysterious Affair at Styles Secret Adversary, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Tales of Terror and Mystery
ISBN 9781582792255 , 2002 , Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle,m.fl.