Søk: 'The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental algorithms'
Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
ISBN 9781430232377 , 2010 , 1. utgave , Magnue Lie Hetland, Magnus Heltand
The Art of Electronics
ISBN 9780521809269 , 2015 , Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781782161486 , 2014 , 2. utgave , J. Caro, Robert Langaniere
Acquisition of Software Engineering Know: An Automatic Programming System Based on Genetic Programming and Cultural Algorithms
ISBN 9789810229207 , 2003 , George S. Cowan, Robert G. Reynolds
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781887902991 , 2004 , John M. Zelle
Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
ISBN 9781430232384 , 2010 , Magnus Lie Hetland
ISBN 9780073523408 , 2006
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
ISBN 9781584500377
The Story of Art
ISBN 9780714847030 , 2006 , E. H. Gombrich
Computer: A History of the Information Machine
ISBN 9780813345901 , 2013 , Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray,m.fl.
A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java
ISBN 9781848823389 , 2009 , Frank Nielsen
Introduction to Algorithms
ISBN 9780262033848 , 2009 , Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson,m.fl.
Considerations on the Fundamental Principles of Pure Political Economy
ISBN 9780415399197 , 2007 , Vilfredo Pareto, Roberto Marchionatti,m.fl.
Computer Graphics: Programming in OpenGL for Uisual Communication
ISBN 9780131452541 , 2007 , Jennifer Fulton, Aaron Weiss, Steve Cunningham
The Art of War
ISBN 9780981162614 , 2009 , Sun Tzu
The Art of War
ISBN 9780140455526 , 2008 , Tzu Sun
Valuepack: Structured Computer Organization with C Programming Language
ISBN 9781405826013 , 2005 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
The Art of Choosing
ISBN 9781600248108 , 2010 , Sheena Iyengar, Orlagh Cassidy
Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques
ISBN 9781848001909 , 2009 , Wilhelm Burger, Mark J. Burge
Questioning Geography: Fundamental Debates
ISBN 9781405101929 , 2005 , Noel Castree, Alisdair Rogers, Douglas Sherman
Computer Concepts And C Programming (As Per Vtu)
ISBN 9788122419900 , 2006
Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9783764335151 , 1990
Mathematics for 3d Game Programming and Computer Graphics
ISBN 9781584502777 , 2003
Genetic Epidemiology: Fundamental Concepts
ISBN 9780470853269 , 2012 , Lyle Palmer, Robert C. Elston, Danielle Fallin
Java: An Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
ISBN 9780131217270 , 2003 , Walter J. Savitch, Robert C. Fay, Savitch
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9788120332782 , 2007 , R. Panneerselvam
The Object Concept: An Introduction to Computer Programming Using C++
ISBN 9780534204969 , 1995 , Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield
The Story of Art
ISBN 9780714832470 , 1995 , E. H. Gombrich
The art of travel
ISBN 9780140276626 , 2003 , Alain De Botton
The End of Art
ISBN 9780521540162 , 2005 , Donald B. Kuspit