Søk: 'The Capital Budgeting Decision, Ninth Edition: Economic Analysis of Investment Projects'
Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production Vol. I
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Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization: Investment Rules and Democracy's Promise
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The Handbook of Social Capital
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Economic Growth: International Edition
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Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic Analysis
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Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization: Investment Rules and Democracy's Promise
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Valuepack: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis/Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis
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Business of Projects
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Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset, University Edition
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Cases in European Competition Policy: The Economic Analysis
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Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System (Second Edition)
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Financial Fragility and Investment in the Capitalist Economy: The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minsky
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Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
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The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minski: Financial fragility and investment in the capitalism economy
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The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law: An Introduction
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A Theory of International Trade: Capital, Knowledge, and Economic Structures
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Student Handbook and Solutions Manual [for] Concepts of Genetics, Ninth Edition
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Political Economy: Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas, 3rd Edition
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Advanced Economic Theory (microeconomic Analysis)
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Essential Mathematics for: Economic Analysis
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Econometric Analysis: Global Edition
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A Theory of Interregional Dynamics: Models of Capital, Knowledge, and Economic Structures
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
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Implementing Beyond Budgeting: Unlocking the Performance Potential
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Beyond Capital, Second Edition: Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class
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The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: A Supply-Side Analysis
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Further mathematics for economic analysis
ISBN 9780273655763 , 2005 , Arne Strom, Knut Sydsæter, Peter Hammond,m.fl.
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - Vol. II: The Process of Circulation of Capital
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Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
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Street Capital
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