Søk: 'The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time'
Lifelines and Risks: Pathways of Youth in our Time
ISBN 9780521481120 , 1995 , Robert B. Cairns, Beverley D. Cairns
End the Fed
ISBN 9780446549172 , 2010 , Ron Paul
The Eye for Innovation: Recognizing Possibilities and Managing the Creative Enterprise
ISBN 9780300130553 , 2008 , Robert Price
Soon: The Beginning of the End
ISBN 9780340863138 , 2004 , Jerry B. Jenkins
Not the End of the World
ISBN 9780552771054 , 2003 , Kate Atkinson
The Cycles of Time
ISBN 9781884564130 , 2011 , Muata Abhaya Ashby
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
ISBN 9780945001102 , 1966 , Carroll Quigley
Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes
ISBN 9780198529453 , 2005 , Greg L. Stoddart, Michael Drummond,m.fl.
Comprehending Care: Problems and Possibilities in the Ethics of Care
ISBN 9780739126165 , 2008 , Tove Pettersen
Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
ISBN 9780273760689 , 2012 , Knut Sydsaeter, Arne Strom, Peter Hammond
Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series: Part a
ISBN 9780762312740 , 2006 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill, Dek Terrell
Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series: Part B
ISBN 9780762312733 , 2006 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill, Dek Terrell
The Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization
ISBN 9780192807281 , 2006 , Bryan Ward-Perkins
Faces of Poverty
ISBN 9781904855705 , 2003 , Harald Aspen
Our Lady of the Forest
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The Year of Our War
ISBN 9780575076105 , 2004 , Steph Swainston
At the End of Ridge Road
ISBN 9781844070565 , 2004 , William Mark Adams, Joseph Bruchac
The Ocean at the End of the Lane (UK)
ISBN 9781472208668 , 2014 , Neil Gaiman
Voyage to the End of the Room
ISBN 9780099437734 , 2004 , Tibor Fischer
The End of Organized Capitalism
ISBN 9780745600697 , 1987 , John Urry, Scott Lash
End Game
ISBN 9780571243730 , 2009 , Samuel Beckett
The Costs of Poverty and Vulnerability
ISBN 9789211045000 , 2001 , Paul Schaffer,m.fl.
Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis
ISBN 9780273713289 , 2008 , Knut Sydsaeter, Arne Strom, Peter Hammond,m.fl.
Group Support System for Managing the Front End of Innovation
ISBN 9783639084825 , 2008 , Kalle Elfvengreen
The End of the Euro: The Uneasy Future of the European Union
ISBN 9781932841619 , 2011 , Johan Van Overtveldt
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
ISBN 9781846684302 , 2013 , Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson
The Return of History and the End of Dreams
ISBN 9781843548126 , 2009 , Robert Kagan
The Making of the Economic Society
ISBN 9780132822381 , 2011 , Robert L. Heilbroner
The Making of the Economic Society
ISBN 9780136080695 , 2011 , Robert L. Heilbroner
The Time of the Gypsies
ISBN 9780813331997 , 1998 , Michael Stewart