Søk: 'The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change'
Participative Transformation: Learning and Development in Practising Change
ISBN 9781409423782 , 2012 , Morten Levin, Roger Klev
The globalization reader
ISBN 9781405155533 , 2008 , Frank J. Lechner, John Boli
Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence
ISBN 9780521609715 , 2005 , Ronald Inglehart, Christian Welzel
Infant Development: Ecological Perspectives
ISBN 9780815328391 , 2002 , Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Katherine Karraker,m.fl.
Social Change in Melanesia: Development and History
ISBN 9780521778060 , 2000 , Paul Sillitoe
Social Change in Melanesia: Development and History
ISBN 9780521771412 , 2000 , Paul Sillitoe
Development Sociology: Actor Perspectives
ISBN 9780415235365 , 2001 , Norman Long
Development Sociology: Actor Perspectives
ISBN 9780415235358 , 2001 , Norman Long
Introduction to Economic Geography: Globalization, Uneven Development and Place
ISBN 9780273727279 , 2011 , Danny MacKinnon, Andrew Cumbers
Population and Development
ISBN 9780203001059 , 2008 , W. T. S. Gould
Gender, Society and Development: A Global Sourcebook
ISBN 9789068327427 , 2008 , Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, Shamim Meer
Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
ISBN 9780256241167 , 1999 , Wendell L. French, Cecil Bell, Robert Zawacki
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229766 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229759 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Education, globalization, and social change
ISBN 9780199272532 , 2006 , Hugh Lauder, Phillip Brown, Jo-Anne Dillabough,m.fl.
Gender and Development
ISBN 9780415775632 , 2009 , Janet Momsen
Population and Development
ISBN 9780415354479 , 2007 , W T S Gould
Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
ISBN 9781405190602 , 2010 , Roy Richard Grinker, Christopher B. Steiner,m.fl.
Globalization for Development: Meeting New Challenges
ISBN 9780199645572 , 2012 , Ian Goldin, Kenneth Reinert
Poverty and Development
ISBN 9780198776260 , 2000 , Tim Allen, Alan Thomas
Conflict and Development
ISBN 9780415399371 , 2009 , Roger Mac Ginty, Andrew J. Williams
Action Research: A Methodology for Change and Development
ISBN 9780335216581 , 2005 , Bridget Somekh
Action Research: A Methodology For Change and Development
ISBN 9780335216598 , 2006 , Professor Bridget Somekh
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019437 , 2014
Population and Development
ISBN 9780415354462 , 2007 , W. T. S. Gould
Action in social context: perspectives on early development
ISBN 9780306431395 , 1989 , Jeffrey J. Lockman, Nancy Lynn Hazen
Postcolonialism and Development
ISBN 9780415433655 , 2008 , Cheryl McEwan
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780071086950 , 2011 , Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger
Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy
ISBN 9780821362747 , 2006 , Kenneth A. Reinert, Ian A. Goldin
Development and Disability
ISBN 9780631192749 , 2002 , Vicky Lewis